Rome News-Tribune

HINDMAN, Richard “Dennis”


Richard “Dennis” Hindman was born on July 15, 1955 to Bennie Hindman and Vera Mae Hindman. Coincident­ally, Bennie was also born on July 15 so the two shared a birthday. The VHFRQG WR \RXQJHVW RI ¿YH children, Dennis grew up ZLWK WKH LQÀXHQFH RI KLV ROGer brothers while often being cared for by his big sister and squabbling with his little brother. Dennis learned WR KXQW WHQG D JDUGHQ ¿VK work on automobile­s, and occasional­ly get in trouble. +H DOVR OHDUQHG WKH YDOXH RI hard work.

Dennis graduated high school in 1973 and was one of the inaugural groups of Cedartown residents to attend the then newly built Cedartown High School on )UDQN /RWW 'ULYH +DYLQJ HQtered the work force at age 16, Dennis would recall how his “senior trip” consisted of JRLQJ WR ZRUN KLV XVXDO HYHning shift at the Cedartown Paper Board. In 1973, Dennis followed in the footsteps of his older brothers and began working at Georgia Power. Starting as a Laborer, Dennis rose through the ranks of Georgia Power and worked in many roles in plants throughout the state before settling at Plant Hammond LQ &RRVD 'HQQLV ¿QLVKHG KLV career with Georgia Power as a Maintenanc­e Team Leader with thirty-six years of conWLQXRXV VHUYLFH 1HYHU RQH to sit still, in his retirement 'HQQLV HQMR\HG YLVLWLQJ ÀHD PDUNHWV JURZLQJ YHJHWDEOHV riding the backroads, readLQJ YLVLWLQJ KLV JUDQGGDXJK­ters, eating lunch with the regulars at Farmer’s Store, DQG YLVLWLQJ WKH GHHU FDPS He kept a regular presence at the American Legions in both Cedartown and Rockmart throughout his adult life.

Dennis cared deeply for his family and friends and he was willing to help at any occasion. Whether it be helping ZLWK D SURMHFW JLYLQJ DGYLFH (solicited or unsolicite­d), or helping cook food for an HYHQW 'HQQLV ZDV ZLOOLQJ WR KHOS +H DWWHQGHG HYHU\ IRRWball practice and game for his son and he was in attenGDQFH IRU HYHU\ GDQFH UHFLWDO school play, or grandparen­t HYHQW ZLWK KLV JUDQGGDXJK­ters.

Dennis is preceded in death by his parents, Bennie and Vera Mae. To celebrate KLV PHPRU\ KH OHDYHV EHKLQG his son Jeremy Hindman, his son Corey Hindman (daughter-in-law Corinne), his granddaugh­ters Maylee & Abigayle Hindman, his sister Cheryl Blalock (brotherin-law Robert), his brother Louis Duane Hindman (sister-in-law Karen), his brother Jody Hindman, his brother Eddie Hindman (brother-in-law Ray), his nephew Craig Blalock, his nieces Darla Blalock, Dena 6LHN DQG -RQVLH 5LYHUD DQG a long list of extended family, friends, and coworkers.

Per his wishes, Dennis’ remains will be cremated. A celebratio­n of Dennis’ life will be held at the American Legion Post 86 located at 1675 Rockmart Hwy, Cedartown, GA 30125 on Saturday, December 11th at 3:30pm and all family and IULHQGV DUH LQYLWHG WR DWWHQG share stories, and enjoy food and fellowship.

,Q OLHX RI ÀRZHUV FRQWULbuti­ons can be made to the Dennis Hindman Memorial Scholarshi­p being facilitate­d by the American Legion; donations can be made in person at the time of the celebratio­n or at American Legion Post 86 during business hours.

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