Rome News-Tribune

ROEBUCK, Ann Blair


Ann Blair Roebuck was born in Alton, Illinois, on July 30, 1930, and two months later moved with her parents, Sam and Montie Blair and brother John, to Louisville, Kentucky, the place she always considered KHU KRPHWRZQ $IWHU ¿QLVKING Atherton Girl’s High, she graduated from Mars Hill College in North Carolina and Georgetown College in Kentucky, with an English degree.

Ann married Dr. Floyd Roebuck July 17, 1953, at the Crescent Hill Baptist Church, Louisville Kentucky, and became his partner in Christian ministry. She even served as his Administra­tive Assistant during the last seven years of his pastorate at FBC Rome. They have two sons: Dan (Judy), of Rome, Jon (Linda) of Franklin, Tennessee; ¿YH JUDQGFKLOG­UHQ &DURO Ann Pundsack (Christian), of St. Petersburg, Florida, Adam (Haley), of Alabaster, Alabama, Andrew (Andrea), of Thompson’s Station, Tennessee, Katie Grace

Kissel (Jason) of Columbus, Ohio, Anna Rowland (Rob) of Thompson’s Station, Tennessee and eleven great grandchild­ren. She is also survived by brother-inlaw, Jim Roebuck (Jane) of Northport, Alabama, a sister-in-law, Mary Catherine Blair of Apopka, Florida, as well as a niece, and four nephews. Ann was preceded in death by her parents, Sam and Montie Blair, her brother, John Blair, and sister-inlaw Margaret Blair.

According to her admirers, Ann was a sweet, beautiful, sassy, brilliant, strong, funny woman. She was gifted with many talents, having interests in a wide variety of ¿HOGV )RU H[DPSOH VKH ZDV a faithful Bible teacher for over forty years and sang in church choirs for more than half a century.

In organizati­ons of which Ann was a part, she rose to leadership levels. She served on the board of the Georgia Baptist Children’s Home, made mission trips in this country and abroad, and was DQ RI¿FHU LQ WKH 1DWLRQDO Baptist Ministers Wives. Ann was actively involved in the Women’s Missionary Union at local, state, and national levels. Closer to home, Ann was active in Mountain View Garden Club, the local chapter of the American Associatio­n of University Women, and PTAS of the schools her sons attended.

Some career highlights stand out. For ten years Ann was a Director of the Baptist Home Mission Board, VHUYLQJ RQ WKH ([HFXWLYH Committee, and Chair of the Missions Committee. She also served as a director, and Chairman of the Board, for Baptists Today (now Nurturing Faith), and was recently honored as one of the few Directors Emerita.

At the birth of The Cooperativ­e Baptist Fellowship, Ann was the female representa­tive for *HRUJLD RQ WKH YHU\ ¿UVW Nominating Committee for members of the Coordinati­ng Council, where she would later serve as a member.

She was an artist with paint and words. Ann thoroughly enjoyed china painting and was a gifted writer who had articles published in papers and periodical­s, and once even edited a cookbook. Ann loved to travel, having visited nearly 50 countries, (including a trip around the world in 38 days), and 47 of the United States.

However, Ann always said that her favorite job of all was being a Preacher’s wife, D UROH VKH KDQGOHG ZLWK H[ceptional grace and skill. She was the First Lady of First Baptist Church Rome for 35 years, and at Garden Lakes Baptist Church of Rome IRU DQ DGGLWLRQDO VL[ \HDUV Even her car tag read “ABR PW.” Ann Blair Roebuck Preacher’s Wife.

A “Celebratio­n of Life” service will take place this Sunday afternoon, May 15, 2022, at 3:00 pm in the sanctuary of First Baptist Church, Rome, with visitation beginning at 2:00 pm also in the sanctuary. The service will also be live streamed from the church’s web page ( Ann had requested that in OLHX RI ÀRZHUV DQ\ JLIWV EH directed to The First Baptist Church of Rome Foundation, the Music Ministry of First Baptist Church of Rome, or to Nurturing Faith Journal, c/o Good Faith Media, 3 2 %R[ 1RUPDQ Oklahoma 73070.

The family respectful­ly asks that masks be worn.

“Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen ... yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.”

— Bradley Whitford

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