Rome News-Tribune

Superheroe­s, murder and mystery — a community event

- Severo Avila is Features Editor for the Rome News-tribune.

In just over a month, a mysterious murder will take place in Rome and you can help solve the mystery. Since 2020, the annual Floyd Against Drugs Murder Mystery dinner event has been sidelined. But it’s back this year and promises to be one of the most fun events of the year.

For those who aren’t familiar, Floyd Against Drugs hosts a fundraisin­g event every year in which a cast of well-known locals get into costumes and into character during a big dinner. The characters mingle with guests and drop hints and clues throughout dinner.

At some point in the evening, one of the characters gets killed and, using clues you’ve gathered all night, you get to decide who you think they murderer is.

This year’s murder mystery event will take place March 16 at Pleasant Valley North Baptist Church and the theme is “A Retired Superhero Reunion to Die For.”

So here’s the entertaini­ng part of it. All these people you know from around town will be dressed up as washed-up superheroe­s of all types, and even after all these years they’ve got beef with each other. Some are former flings, some are bitter enemies, and some have ulterior motives that will be revealed during dinner.

Full disclosure, I’m a member of the cast and have participat­ed in this event since it started a few years ago. It’s always a great evening and a fun community event. Here’s the cast and their characters:

Scotty Hancock — Captain Victory. He’s bullet proof and can fly. But he’s got a weakness — aluminum foil. We hear he has a particular aversion to tin foil hats. Anyhow, he was the original leader of this superhero squad called Victory Force many years ago. Now he wants to get the gang together for a reunion.

Ghee Wilson — Falco. He was Captain Victory’s sidekick and lifelong friend but Falco got jealous of Captain Victory hogging the spotlight. If you know Ghee Wilson, this is the perfect fit for him because he can’t STAND for anyone else to be in the spotlight. Anyhow, Falco can fly and has Hawk Vision so he can see things from great distances.

Rhonda Wallace — Mighty Mum. She was the mother figure of the Victory Force team. She can fly and has super strength. She thought she could lead Victory Force better than Captain Victory and was hoping to take over as leader. But her weakness is electricit­y.

Richard Marable — Manimal. He was a famous veterinari­an but after a nuclear explosion he gained the ability to change into different animals. He was kicked out of Victory Force because while he was in the form of a mountain lion, he tried to eat Falco. He’s glad to be at the reunion but has Falco forgiven him?

Severo Avila — Heatwave. My character can heat his body up to 1,000 degrees, melting steel like a hot knife through butter. But his weakness is extreme cold. He and another hero, Lady Ice, had plans to get hitched but their powers made it impossible for them to be together. Heatwave gets really jealous whenever anyone else gets too close to his former love.

Gail Johnson — Lady Ice. She can freeze any object just by touching it. She and Heatwave had to break off their wedding plans. Fire and Ice just don’t mix. Her weakness is fire and spicy foods. She dated Johnny Rocket for a time but he was also seeing other heroes behind her back.

Robert Smyth — Johnny Rocket. In his prime he was the fastest man on earth. He’s the only one who could beat Captain Victory in a foot race. But his weakness is mud. It’s the only thing that can slow him down. He’s a ladies man and flirts with all the girls on the team.

Rob Byars — ANDYROID. The most intelligen­t of the superheroe­s, he’s part man and part computer. He always thought he could be the leader of Victory Force but his big weakness is viruses, both computer and human.

Melinda Strickland — Primma Donna. She wasn’t always a hero. As a villain she used her superpower of singing to rob banks. The only weakness she has is dust because it causes her to lose her voice. She was the bad girl of the team and always had a mean streak.

JJ Johnson — Boomer Dundy. Not your typical superhero. He doesn’t have any superpower­s but relies on natural quickness, agility and strength. He can also talk to animals. His skills with a boomerang and bow and arrow are unmatched. He was always one to help resolve any conflict that arose in Victory Force.

Cathy Kerce — Queen Bee. You don’t want to find yourself on the wrong end of her stinger. She wants to be in control and can’t stand for anyone, especially the other women, trying to take her spot. Her weakness is ladies’ perfume. She’d like to be the leader of Victory Force and all the men would be her drones and do her bidding.

Kathie Marable — Diamond Diva. She’s a rich heiress turned superhero. She is bullet proof and has incredibly sharp diamonds as fingernail­s. Her weakness is cubic zirconia. Even though she comes off as a bit snobbish, her true passion is getting vengeance for victims of crimes.

This will be a fun evening. Tickets are $50 per person and include a catered dinner. All the proceeds benefit Floyd Against Drugs.

If you’d like to buy tickets, they’re available from any cast member or by calling Michelle Edmonson at 706-291-5181. Tables can also be reserved.

 ?? ?? Avila

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