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Senators debate pullout from accreditin­g library associatio­n

- By Ross Williams Georgia Recorder

Some conservati­ve state senators want Georgia to become the latest state to pull out of the American Library Associatio­n, a nonprofit organizati­on that supports libraries and accredits the schools that train them.

On Wednesday, the Senate Government Oversight Committee heard testimony from Georgia’s top librarian who said the Georgia Public Library Service is already not affiliated with the ALA and a dean at the state’s only university offering a graduate library studies program who said cutting ties with the only accreditin­g body for degree programs in library and informatio­n science could cost millions in tuition.

Under Senate Bill 390, state and local entities would be banned from spending any money on the associatio­n, and directors of public library systems would no longer be required to hold a master’s degree from a school with a library program accredited by the ALA.

Montana became the first state to cut ties with the organizati­on after the incoming president referred to herself as a Marxist lesbian in a since-deleted tweet. Several other red states have also withdrawn, with Alabama the latest to join late last month.

Sen. Larry Walker, a Perry Republican, said the genesis for his bill came when his local library accepted an ALA grant for books featuring LGBTQ and diversity as topics, some of which was for the children’s section.

“This of course caused some outrage by some members of the local library board when they fully understood the grant after it had already been done, and I was contacted by some citizens and I went and met with the Houston County Library Board at their regular meeting and expressed my concern and felt like that was not a reflection of the morals and values of our community and was not appropriat­e especially in the children’s section,” he said.

“I thought I would be met with kind of an apology or ‘oh, we didn’t mean to do this’ or ‘we won’t do this again’ or ‘yes, we’ll segregate this material,’ or ‘we should have thought through this,’ but instead it’s really kind of met with sort of defiance and ‘we need more diversity in our library materials’ and that kind of thing,” he added.

Committee Chair Sen. Marty Harbin, a Tyrone Republican, asked whether the material would violate local obscenity laws.

“I didn’t see any of the material,” Walker said. “But to me, at some point, a young person does need to be educated on LGBTQ and sexuality and all of that. But I think it’s up to the parents what the appropriat­e age is to have that conversati­on. And I don’t want my wife as a grandmothe­r to have a 5-year-old or 6-year-old looking at this kind of material that could be considered pornograph­ic by some people.”

Georgia’s State Librarian, Julie Walker, who is also vice chancellor for libraries and archives in the University System of Georgia, said many library profession­als in Georgia don’t agree with the ALA’S positions and libraries’ decisions about collection­s made at the local level.

She also said the Georgia Public Library Service, unlike its equivalent­s in other states that ended their membership of the ALA, is already not a member of the ALA.


As the only body that accredits degree programs in library and informatio­n science, the ALA is responsibl­e for Valdosta State’s accreditat­ion, but that’s the case even in states that have revoked their affiliatio­n, she said.

“Those states have disaffilia­ted from ALA, which basically means that the agency similar to my agency has dropped their membership, but they don’t have any legislatio­n currently dealing with ALA, and their accreditat­ion, their library schools are still accredited by ALA, no one has dropped that accreditat­ion.”

David Slykhuis, dean of the James L. and Dorothy H. Dewar College of Education at Valdosta State University, home of Georgia’s only graduate library studies program, said many of the program’s 400 students chose Valdosta because of its accreditat­ion. Most libraries will only hire people with degrees from accredited programs, he said.

“Losing accreditat­ion would eliminate Valdosta State as a viable (Master of Library and Informatio­n Science) degree program for most students,” he said. “The loss of the ability to remain accredited would devastate a program that is bringing in over $3.5 million in tuition revenue to Valdosta State annually. Until another accreditin­g body can be found or formed, I respectful­ly ask the bill sponsor and committee for considerat­ion to be able to use privately donated funds to continue our accreditat­ion, at least through our currently approved cycle of 2028.”

Slykhuis said accreditat­ion with ALA costs Valdosta State $1,100 each year.

“I believe Sen. Walker has brought a bill that is needed, but needs maybe a little bit of work,” Harbin said.

Speaking after the hearing, Walker said he hopes the bill’s final version will prevent taxpayer dollars from going to the ALA while protecting Valdosta State’s bottom line, and he’s confident he can get that done by Feb. 29, the last day for bills to easily move from one chamber to the other.

“It could be as much as just putting a delayed effective date on the accreditat­ion part,” he said. “You know, right now, the bill as written would go into effect July 1, 2025. I purposely put it out there a little ways already so that people that were currently in the system would have time to react, but we may want to push that out a little bit further.”

“The other thing is maybe we can put some language in there to allow Valdosta State to pay their accreditat­ion fee to ALA with private funds through their foundation, because I think they testified it was only $1,100 a year,” he added.

He also said he’s hopeful another accreditin­g body will materializ­e soon.

Ƈseparatel­y, Gwinnett Republican Sen. Clint Dixon has sponsored SB 394, which aims to bar school libraries from distributi­ng materials deemed “harmful to minors,” require parental consent for children to check out some items and mandate school systems to only buy books from vendors who use a rating system.

Ƈ Another proposed Senate bill, SB 154 would remove an exemption for school libraries in the state law against distributi­ng harmful materials to minors, a move librarians say could land them behind bars for doing their jobs.

 ?? Ross Williams/georgia Recorder ?? Participan­ts in a Feb. 1 rally at the Georgia Capitol supported a suite of bills they said would remove obscenity from libraries.
Ross Williams/georgia Recorder Participan­ts in a Feb. 1 rally at the Georgia Capitol supported a suite of bills they said would remove obscenity from libraries.

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