Royal Oak Tribune

Hundreds protest stay-at-home order outside Michigan Capitol


LANSING » Hundreds of people angry or frustrated over Michigan’s coronaviru­s stay-at-home order protested again outside the state Capitol on Thursday, braving heavy rain to call for a loosening of restrictio­ns and for business owners to reopen in defiance of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The demonstrat­ion was smaller than previous rallies. It was led by Michigan United for Liberty, a conservati­ve activist group that has sued Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and organized or participat­ed in several protests since early April.

People in the crowd of roughly 200 held signs declaring “Every worker is essential,” “Make Michigan work again” and “Stop the tyranny.”

“We can get some businesses back open,” said David Saxton, a 40-year-old IT specialist from Alma, in central Michigan. He said he lost his job, is receiving unemployme­nt benefits and noted that a COVID-19 vaccine may not be ready for a year and a half. “Staying shut down that long is not practical. You will kill the state. You just will.”

Though state police and Michigan’s attorney general had warned of enforcing prohibitio­ns on brandishin­g guns or ignoring potential directives to stay 6 feet apart, there were no arrests. Some protesters still stood closer together.

Some carried guns even though lawmakers from both parties criticized certain demonstrat­ors for intimidati­ng and threatenin­g tactics two weeks ago. At that protest, they openly carried semi-automatic rifles into the Capitol, including the Senate gallery, sparking calls by Democrats to ban guns from the building.

Organizers on Thursday tried to keep the focus on reopening the state. A scuffle broke out when people speaking on the Capitol steps prevented a man from displaying an American flag that had an unclothed female doll with a noose around the neck. Several masked counter-protesters stood silently in support of the governor’s actions to keep the virus from spreading.

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