Royal Oak Tribune

Reverse decision or pay city back


I am writing to express sympathy for all supporters of our Royal Oak Veterans and those who died in the service of their country. Their sacrifices were great, and their names and legacy were intended to be preserved for all to see on the Dedicated Veterans Memorial. To the dismay of many , the memorial is about to be moved from its perfect location to a small, insignific­ant corner of the new park leaving insufficie­nt room for the magnificen­t ceremonial events that we have experience­d in the past. At the memorial’s current location thousands would gather on the grass, steps, porch, and walkways to the library, attending presentati­ons. This will never be able to happen again if Mayor Fournier and the Commission have their way.

In 2007, veterans and residents donated $180,000 to move, dedicate and expand the memorial on city land. Mayor Fournier and the Commission have ignored us, the voters, and donors as well as thumbing their noses at the law, history and significan­ce of this dedicated location. Without seeking meaningful input from veterans, voters, or donors, they have decided that food/market vendors are more important than the sacrifices veterans have made and are symbolized by the memorial.

The new plans move the Memorial to create paved areas large enough for vendors to sell food and merchandis­e. The Mayor and Commission decided the memorial was in the way of their Food court and vendors. Mayor Fournier and the disrespect­ful Commission must reverse this decision, leave the Memorial where it is or refund the $180,000. When the city accepted the $180,000, they entered into a binding agreement that the Memorial would remain where it was dedicated. Pamela Lindell

Royal Oak

 ?? ROYAL OAK TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO ?? The Royal Oak Veterans Memorial is between City Hall and the library.
ROYAL OAK TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO The Royal Oak Veterans Memorial is between City Hall and the library.

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