Royal Oak Tribune

Biden aims for bipartisan­ship but applies stealthy pressure

- By Jonathan Lemire and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON » President Joe Biden has begun publicly courting Republican­s to back his sweeping infrastruc­ture plan, but his reach across the aisle is intended just as much to keep Democrats in line as it is a first step in an uphill climb to any bipartisan deal.

Biden’s high-profile Oval Office meeting with a bipartisan group of lawmakers on Monday was just one piece of his effort to win over GOP lawmakers, White House aides said. But even if it doesn’t succeed, it could prove useful — boxing in Republican­s while helping keep the widely disparate Democrats in line. Some moderate Democrats, notably Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, have urged an effort at bipartisan­ship to pass the $2.3 trillion bill.

And while Biden has made clear that he wants Republican support, the White House is also preparing to go it alone, if necessary, to get the bill passed. That would leave the GOP in the politicall­y unpopular position of explaining why it objected to investment­s many Americans want.

“I’m prepared to negotiate as to the extent of my infrastruc­ture project, as well as how we pay for it,” Biden said during Monday’s meeting with lawmakers. “Everyone acknowledg­es we need a significan­t increase in infrastruc­ture.”

Biden dismissed the idea that his outreach to Republican­s

is just for show, saying, “I’m not big on window dressing, as you’ve observed.”

In fact, lawmakers left the White House meeting with the understand­ing that Biden was open to discussion, and the president’s team was headed to Capitol Hill to meet with them or other representa­tives as soon as Tuesday.

“Those are all the exact words that I wanted to hear going into the meeting,” Republican Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana, a member of the Transporta­tion and Infrastruc­ture Committee, said in an interview with The Associated Press. “And so that was really encouragin­g.”

Sen. Alex Padilla, DCalif., offered, “Nobody stormed out yelling ‘no.’”

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