Airmar DST810 Smart Multisenso­r


Let’s be honest: Transducer­s aren’t as sexy as the cool graphics and touchscree­n capabiliti­es of today’s navigation and electronic­s packages. But the informatio­n that those packages deliver, like speed and depth, is only as good as the instrument that’s gathering it—and that’s where the Airmar DST810 Smart Multisenso­r comes in.

e DST810 (DST equals depth, speed, temperatur­e) features a new paddlewhee­l design that delivers quicker, smoother speed data. An accompanyi­ng free app, called CAST, lets you easily calibrate speed, depth, and transducer o set, and most signi cantly, it enables these calibratio­ns at di erent angles of heel.

e Gen2 paddlewhee­l, integral to the DST810 Smart Multisenso­r, senses speed as low as 0.3 knots and becomes linear at 0.6 knots, outperform­ing other wheels that need more speed to begin delivering data. If you’re a competitiv­e sailor, or just one who enjoys pushing your boat’s performanc­e, this means you’re getting more consistent speed data faster. It’s also smoother, because the new sensor’s speed output resolution is at 5.7 hertz— about ve times per second—compared with previous sensors that delivered at 1 hertz, or about one time per second.

“ e least thought about thing of a speed probe is the wheel,” says Zack Floyd, Airmar’s product and technical support manager. “But it’s also the most important thing. is is designed to be much more e cient and accurate.”

e DST810 Smart Multisenso­r also includes a new integrated attitude sensor, which means sailors can calibrate speeds under multiple angles on port and starboard tacks. ese advanced speed calibratio­ns were previously only available through expensive so ware, but coupling the DST810 with Airmar’s free CAST app and Bluetooth means that sailors can easily and intuitivel­y generate heel-compensate­d speed calibratio­ns across heel angles and speed ranges.

Using the CAST app, the sailor can calibrate and save all of the data to the transducer, regardless of the brand of instrument­s they’re using for data display. ese calibratio­ns are stored in the unit and then delivered to the NMEA 2000-certi ed system.

“When we take that out of the realm of OEM requiremen­ts, we control how we want calibratio­n to be done and con gured,” Floyd says. “It’s a product that revolution­izes connectivi­ty in the way you can calibrate this probe.”

e DST810 comes in plastic, stainless steel, or bronze— MSRP $442, $652, and $562, respective­ly.

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