San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)



WASHINGTON — Here’s how the U.S. senators from Texas voted on major issues last week. The House was in recess.

1. Approving two-year budget deal: Approved, 67-28, a two-year budget deal (HR 3877) that would allow Pentagon and nonmilitar­y spending to increase by $320 billion over current levels while suspending the statutory borrowing limit until July 31, 2021, to prevent default on the $22 trillion national debt. The bill addresses the nearly 30 percent of the $4.6 trillion federal budget comprising discretion­ary spending, leaving untouched the approximat­ely 70 percent allocated to mandatory programs including Medicare, Social Security and veterans benefits and ruling out tax increases as a means of curbing federal debt. The bill caps discretion­ary spending at $1.375 trillion for each of fiscal 2020 and 2021 while expecting annual deficits approachin­g $1 trillion and interest payments on the national debt likely to top $400 billion annually.

A yes vote was to send the bill to President Trump.

2. Blocking increase in national debt limit: Defeated, 23-70, an amendment to HR 3877 (above) that would block any increase in the statutory debt limit until after Congress has imposed fiscal discipline in three areas — the Senate and House would have to enact major spending cuts, restore spending caps that the underlying bill removes and send the states a constituti­onal amendment requiring a balanced federal budget.

Rand Paul, R-Ky., who sponsored the amendment, said “shame on the politician­s who have campaigned as conservati­ves but who have governed as big spenders.”

None of the 70 senators who voted against the proposal spoke against it.

A yes vote was to adopt the amendment.

3. Upholding Trump veto of Saudi arms measure: Failed, 45-40, to reach a two-thirds majority needed to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a measure (SJ Res 36) that would prohibit the sale of up to $8 billion in U.S. arms to Saudi Arabia and its allies for use against Iranian-backed forces in Yemen. The munitions consist mainly of tens of thousands of laserguide­d “smart” bombs. This marked Trump’s second successful veto this year of attempts by Congress to check the administra­tion’s expanding military alliance with Saudi Arabia. With the other veto, he turned back a measure that would end U.S. involvemen­t in the war in Yemen unless it receives congressio­nal authorizat­ion under the 1973 War Powers Resolution.

Robert Menendez, DN.J., said “This administra­tion’s willingnes­s to turn a blind eye to (Saudi Arabia’s) wholesale slaughter of civilians and the murder of journalist­s and move forward with the sale of these weapons will have a lasting implicatio­n for America’s moral leadership on the world stage.”

Jim Risch, R-Idaho, said the arms deal serves “the legitimate security interests of our partners. Rejecting these sales at this time will reward recent Iranian aggression and risk Iranian miscalcula­tion, which will lead to disaster if Iran continues down its current path.”

A yes vote was to override the presidenti­al veto.

4. Confirming Kelly Craft as U.N. ambassador: Confirmed, 56-34, Kelly Craft as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Craft has been U.S. ambassador to Canada since October 2017 and was an alternate delegate to the U.N. in the George W. Bush administra­tion. She received her appointmen­t to Ottawa after her husband, Joe Craft, a Kentucky-based coal producer, contribute­d more than $1 million to Trump’s presidenti­al campaign. Republican­s praised Craft’s work in Canada on matters including a trade deal to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement. But Democrats faulted her for having spent 357 days away from Canada while ambassador and for allowing her husband to take part in meetings on energy and environmen­tal policies.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said

Craft has a record of “skillfully and effectivel­y advocating for the interests of the United States on the internatio­nal stage,” including helping to fashion a U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade agreement now awaiting congressio­nal approval.

Menendez said: “Taken together, Ambassador Craft’s lack of experience, her derelictio­n of duty and excessive absences in Ottawa, and her unwillingn­ess to address potential conflicts of interest, render her unfit to serve as our ambassador to the United Nations.”

A yes vote was to confirm the nominee.

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