San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Reopen nonsense


Re: “Texans need to get back to work fully — and soon,” Other Views, May 15:

Banker Dennis Nixon’s comments on reopening the economy, just like President Donald Trump’s, are reckless, irresponsi­ble, dangerous and not based on science. I’m surprised he was given an entire column to spout such nonsense.

His comments in support of immediatel­y fully reopening the economy — such as “While we may very well see a rise in COVID-19 cases as we go back to work, the lower-risk working population­s will gain herd immunity and the virus will eventually dissipate,” and “Opening the economy will come with risk, but it is no different from the risks we face every day from the ordinary flu or from car accidents” — are disingenuo­us, irresponsi­ble, reckless and dangerous.

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