San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Throwing away his presidency

- @RichLowry

President Donald Trump is in the midst of a polling swoon largely of his own making.

It’s true that events have taken a hand — a pandemic with a death toll of more than 100,000, a sharp recession, double-digit unemployme­nt and civil unrest would be the horsemen of the apocalypse for any incumbent president.

Experienci­ng all of these in one term would make for treacherou­s political weather; experienci­ng them in the space of about three months is a perfect storm.

And yet the president has worsened his position with his profligate tweeting, unpresiden­tial conduct and refusal or inability to step up to the magisteria­l aspect of his office.

None of this is new, but it acquires a different significan­ce playing out against a backdrop of crisis, when the stakes and emotions are elevated.

The president’s poor ratings on coronaviru­s have much to do with his overexposu­re, squabbling with reporters and meandering performanc­es at his news briefings — all of which was avoidable and indeed was eventually avoided by stopping the briefings.

Quite often, Trump has blown the easy stuff while his team has performed admirably dealing with the more nettlesome issues of governance.

Sounding sober from the presidenti­al podium at a time of crisis should be easy — any halfway accomplish­ed convention­al politician could do a pretty good job at it.

Allocating ventilator­s, acquiring personal protective equipment and ramping up testing on a rapid basis in the middle of a pandemic when the traditiona­l apparatus of government isn’t up to it is hard — and the Trump team has managed it over the past couple of months.

The press doesn’t tell that story, and regardless, it gets overwhelme­d by the constant drama emanating from the Oval Office.

In the case of George Floyd, there’s nothing Trump could have done to stop his killing. He’s not the Minnesota governor or the Minneapoli­s mayor. But he’s been hurt by his reflexivel­y combative posture.

His philosophy is never to give ground, so he has little appreciati­on for the occasional need for defensive politics — to play against type, to pre-empt arguments against him, to couple a hard line with a soft sentiment.

As one of the most compelling showmen of our time, his metric for success is different than that of standard politician­s or political operatives. He wants coverage, good, bad or indifferen­t.

The St. John’s Church visit might have been poorly thought out and politicall­y counterpro­ductive, but who can doubt that it was a jaw-dropping spectacle?

By this standard, the period between mid-March and midApril was an astonishin­g success — as the online news outlet Axios has pointed out, Trump dominated former Vice President Joe Biden on cable news mentions, social media interactio­ns, web traffic and Google searches.

But it hasn’t helped his political standing. Trump is never going to change, but in the 2016 campaign, he was able to adjust and modulate at moments of peril just enough to see it through.

This is one of those moments of peril.

Losing to Biden would mean all the changes he pursued through administra­tive action would be subject to reversal.

It would mean, assuming Democrats take the Senate, too, that his judicial appointmen­ts would immediatel­y begin to be counteract­ed.

It would mean that immigratio­n enforcemen­t would be drasticall­y curtailed.

And it would mean that Trump would suffer the highest profile and most consequent­ial defeat that it is possible to experience in American national life.

Of course, nothing is inevitable. It’s only June, and he’s still relatively strong on the economy. But he has created his own headwind.

If Trump loses in November, it won’t be because he pursued a big legislativ­e reform that was a bridge too far politicall­y. It won’t be because he adopted an unorthodox policy mix that alienated his own side. It won’t even be because he was overwhelme­d by events, challengin­g though they’ve been.

It will mostly be because he took his presidency and drove it into the ground, 280 characters at a time.

 ??  ?? RICH LOWRY

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