San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Pandemic brought with it a reason to pause and reflect

- By Mackenzie Lint Mackenzie Lint is a graduating senior at Brandeis High School.

every single day on my way to second period. Or the football players rushing down the hall to get to the locker rooms before practice. Or my teachers who have helped me the past four years get to the point where I would get to walk across the stage for graduation. Or my favorite teacher, Mr. Paul, on his last day of school.

I was sad that I might never see him again, but he said, “Don’t worry. I will see you at graduation. I will be there to give you a high five on the other side of the stage!” Now I will never get to high five him as I walk with a huge smile on my face, tears in my eyes and diploma in my hand, as I look to my fellow classmates who fill the room in our orange caps and gowns.

Corona, I have been angry with you for taking away my chance to say goodbye, but you have now given me the chance to say hello to my future. While

I wish I got to do the senior things that are traditions such as prom, senior skip day and graduation, you gave me something so much better. You gave me the chance to pause and reflect on my life and look at where I am, and where I want to go. I started focusing on college, and what I need to do for vet school, and eventually to be the veterinari­an that I have dreamed of my whole life.

I am thankful for the people in my life, and those who have helped me along the path.

Corona, you took a lot, but you gave everyone a reality check.

All college students got to go home with their parents, many of whom now work from home as well. You brought families together, and pushed us to move into a more technical world that we have been capable of, but we needed a push. You have paused the world, and with that the polluted places like cities once covered by smog are now clear, waters that haven’t seen marine life from the overuse of boats now see animals they haven’t seen in 70 years.

I am hoping we see how much we all took for granted, and see the changes that need to happen to save our world. While you, COVID-19, are a horrible virus that has taken the lives of many amazing people, I have always believed that no matter how horrible times get, God always has his purpose.

I want our normal society back, but maybe God is showing us that we need a moment to breathe, just a brief pause in our lives to reflect on the things that are truly important, and in the end we will come out better because of it.


A Senior Who Needed a Pause

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