San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Boyfriend never invites woman over DEAR ABBY


Dear Abby: I am 43, and my boyfriend is 40. He is always at my house, but I can never go to his to sit around and relax.

When I get upset about it and want to talk to him about it, he tells me that’s not the case at all. I’m welcome anytime. But when I suggest it, I am always turned down. I’m trying hard to be optimistic, but I have so many negative thoughts about this. What should I do?

Dear Kept Out: It appears your boyfriend is more comfortabl­e at your place than hosting you at his. Why that would be is anybody’s guess. Maybe he is lazy and doesn’t want to straighten up for a guest. Maybe he’s unwilling to provide food or a beverage you prefer. Are you sure he lives alone and there isn’t another hen sitting in his nest?

You haven’t said how long you have been together as a couple, but it does seem like he is taking advantage.

It also seems he is pretty slick about denying reality when it comes to hospitalit­y.

Unless he can explain to you WHY you can’t come over, your negative thoughts about this may be warranted.

Dear Abby: I’m a male in my early 20s who has a very small appetite. I eat small portions regularly throughout the day. During holidays and other occasions, I eat at the parents’ of my friends a lot, or at my grandparen­ts’ or other family members’ homes. The

y think I should have the typical “growing boy” appetite and consume large amounts of food at each meal. When I don’t clean my plate (or even half ), they ask me what’s wrong or if I didn’t like it. Usually, I enjoyed it very much but just couldn’t finish the whole thing.

How do I navigate these dinners without offending anyone’s cooking?

Dear Satisfied: If possible, what you should do is serve yourself the portions you are comfortabl­e eating rather than waste the food.

If that is not possible, quietly point out to your hosts that although you love what they prepare, you are in the habit of eating small portions throughout the day and would appreciate it if they didn’t overwhelm you. It’s a reasonable request, and it shouldn’t offend anyone.

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