San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

To embrace outdoor exercise, change your gear— and attitude

- By Amanda Loudin

If you have embraced being outdoors as a way to deal with pandemic stress and are dreading the arrival of winter, you might consider cultivatin­g two things: a new attitude and a better cold-weather wardrobe.

The experience of Stacey Benzing, 47, an expat starting her third year in Norway, illustrate­s the importance of both. The Maryland native who “wouldn't step a foot outside in winter if I didn't have to” now walks, hikes and cross-country skis in the cold, wearing gear recommende­d by her Norwegian friends.

When Benzing moved to Oslo, she was surprised to see “moms pushing prams through snow and ice, or people riding bikes yearround,” she says. She had come face to face with the Norwegian concept of friluftsli­v, which translates to openair living and exemplifie­s the tradition of making time outdoors part of daily life — whatever the season.

Nate Axvig, a Colorado resident whose time in Norway inspired him to co-found Scandinavi­an-inspired sportswear company Aktiv (, looks at friluftsli­v as “weaving the natural world into your everyday life.” For him, this has translated into riding his bike to work alongside a creek. “If you are in a rural area, this might be foraging for mushrooms or simply having an autumn picnic outside,” he says. “Your clothing should allow you to comfortabl­y enjoy the outdoors no matter what.”

After witnessing friluftsli­v, Benzing was inspired to change her approach to cold weather to make the most of her time overseas. “I knew I didn't want to miss out, so I learned from the Norwegians,” she says.

Altering one's mind-set about winter, as Benzing did, is key to getting through it, says clinical psychologi­st Roseann Capanna-Hodge. “The first part of managing stress and building resiliency in these trying times is changing how you view things,” she says. “You are in control. Instead of saying you dread winter, shift the dialogue to, ‘I'm looking forward to winter.' ”

To help create that shift, you can look forward to activities you enjoy during winter, determine how you might adapt outdoor activities to the colder weather or consider starting new activities.

“Think about an outdoor winter activity you'd like to try,” Capanna-Hodge says. “Maybe in the past, you've thought about snowshoein­g, but never tried it.”

Of course, you'll need to be comfortabl­e doing those activities. Just because it rarely snows in San Antonio doesn't mean it doesn't get cold. If you have visions of family nights out around a fire or long hikes through the Hill Country, you still will need warm gear.

“The Norwegians will tell you there's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing,” Benzing says. She invested in some key pieces, such as a long, heavy-duty parka, waterproof boots and layers of quick-dry merino wool.

Winter clothing has come a long way in the past couple of decades. Technical fabrics, wool and wool blends make getting out less bulky and more resistant to the elements. With so many new options, we asked Axvig and Will Rochfort, a Coloradoba­sed contributi­ng gear editor for Backpacker magazine, for advice on smart outfitting.

When determinin­g where to spend your dollars, Rochfort says it's important to prioritize your extremitie­s. “If they are cold, you will be miserable,” he says. This is particular­ly true in the Northeast, where wetter, more humid air amplifies the sensation of cold and makes staying dry a top priority. “The first thing you want to look for are insulated, waterproof boots,” Rochfort says. “Your feet are the first thing to get cold in snow or slush.”

You don't have to break the bank for boots like these, either. “Unless you're going on super-technical, long adventures, you don't have to

spend $300 for boots that will keep you warm in negative 40 degrees,” Rochfort adds. “You can find a decent pair for about half of that.”

Socks are also important.

“If you buy nice boots but wear regular cotton socks, you won't stay as warm,” Rochfort says. “I'd recommend a good pair of wool socks in the $25 range to pull moisture away from your feet.” He points to Smartwool's mountainee­ring socks as a good choice.

Another worthwhile piece of gear is traction for your shoes, such as the popular Yaktrax cleats, which are around $25 a pair. “That's much cheaper than paying for a broken bone,” Rochfort says.

Also invest in a decent pair of gloves or mittens, as well as a warm beanie for your head. Mittens tend to be warmer than gloves, but if you need

the dexterity of your fingers while outdoors, pick gloves.

Hand and foot warmers are good additions, but they aren't necessitie­s. “They are a nice luxury to keep in your pockets, especially if you need to retain your motor skills in your hands,” Rochfort says. “They can also be a hero if you're with someone who might not have the right gear.”

To keep your core warm and dry, plan to layer. “You need a base layer, an insulating layer and an outer shell,” Rochfort says. “Depending on where you live, the shell should be waterproof.”

Axvig recommends that your base layer be wool and wool blends, which take the prize for warmth, the ability to keep you dry and the fact that they don't hold on to odors. Some people prefer something synthetic or a

blend, which can be less itchy and come with a lower price tag.

A coat will probably be your big-ticket item, but you can cut down on that expense by choosing synthetics instead of down, for instance. “It won't be as breathable or compressib­le, but if you're not spending extended time outside, that's okay,” Rochfort says.

Axvig offers a warning about outerwear. “One thing Americans sometimes get wrong is choosing an outer layer with significan­t insulation,” he says. “While that is wise if you're in a place like North Dakota, for most of the country, that will be too hot. I suggest a well-made shell that blocks the wind and rain.”

If you're going to sacrifice warmth for one area of your body, Rochfort suggests choosing your legs. “When you're walking or running, they're still generating heat,” he says, “and none of your internal organs are there.”

One final piece of gear not to overlook is lighting and reflective strips. With shorter days, you want to see — and be seen. An affordable headlamp and clothing with reflection built in will keep you safe in predawn or evening outdoor activities.

Benzing says her improved gear and new attitude have so thoroughly altered her approach to winter that she expects it to last beyond her return to the United States next year. “Staying outside has become our pattern now,” she says. “I definitely want to continue this lifestyle when I come back.”

 ?? Daniel Milchev / Getty Images ?? Improving your mood and your fitness level this winter means spending time outdoors. Even in San Antonio, wintertime frolicking in much more enjoyable if you wear the right clothing and gear.
Daniel Milchev / Getty Images Improving your mood and your fitness level this winter means spending time outdoors. Even in San Antonio, wintertime frolicking in much more enjoyable if you wear the right clothing and gear.
 ?? Aleksandar­Nakic / Getty Images ?? It may not snow often in San Antonio, but it still gets cold. To boost your fitness, get the right winter gear.
Aleksandar­Nakic / Getty Images It may not snow often in San Antonio, but it still gets cold. To boost your fitness, get the right winter gear.

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