San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

BLM rallies evoke truth; Capitol riot glorified lies

- By Lynda R. Byrd Lynda R. Byrd is a retired executive from Global Ministries, the mission agency of the United Methodist Church. She lives in San Antonio.

For days, every media form has been consumed with the travesty that took place in the Capitol on Jan. 6. And rightfully so, as nothing compares with the horror of what transpired as thousands stormed the U.S. House building, desecratin­g its beauty and history, and tainting its imagery of the country’s democracy.

What has been most unsettling is the allegation that there is any comparison between what took place throughout the Capitol last week to the Black Lives Matter protests over the summer.

Without question, the BLM protests were in response to opposition to racism and police brutality waged throughout African American communitie­s across the United States.

Through the first eight months of 2020, 164 African Americans were killed by police officers, a news analysis shows.

Deaths in recent years that have received some media attention include Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Samuel DuBose, George Floyd, Ezell Ford, Freddie Gray, Laquan McDonald, Tamir Rice, Walter Scott, Alton Sterling and Breonna Taylor. These are only some of the people who have died from the bullets or brutality of police officers simply for being Black while walking, Black while talking or Black while driving.

Because of the systemic racism and the blatant disregard for the lives of African Americans across the country, BLM protests erupted around the world, inciting protests in over 60 countries and on all seven continents. The response to BLM was not based on lies, false allegation­s or unproven allegation­s. Admittedly, some riotous behavior defaced and destroyed property. But the dead attests to the reality of why the protests have ignited with such pervasiven­ess around the world.

The riot at the U.S. Capitol resulted from an invitation by the sitting president. Rioters proceeded after the rally with the president instructin­g them to go to the Capitol to attempt to stop what could not be stopped: The will of the American people, who through the cherished right of voting, had selected the 46th president. Appeals at every level have denied that any grounds were valid to overturn the election results. A 9-0 decision by the Supreme Court denied even the slightest considerat­ion of the allegation­s, as no evidence supported that the election had been in any way fraudulent.

In the wake of denial of voter fraud claims and a litany of other unsubstant­iated allegation­s, thousands descended on the Capitol in response to lies. The damage was done, and the disregard for the lives and duties of elected officials to do the work that they were elected to do was completely ignored. And the shame that will forever be a part of this nation’s history belongs to no entities outside of the sitting president and those who support him with a willingnes­s to disrespect themselves and the sanctity of democracy.

It is a travesty to compare the truth of why the BLM protests have become a clarion call for justice and respect for all human life to the riot on the Capitol seeded by baseless lies that have been perpetuate­d far too long, sowing seeds of divisivene­ss. America has to be, must be, better than this!

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