San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

This is not the Texas we deserve — or is it?

- NANCY M. PREYOR-JOHNSON Commentary Nancy.Preyor-Johnson@

When I read the stunning news from the Texas Legislatur­e last week, I was outraged.

I saw state Rep. Diego Bernal’s “Handmaid’s Tale” dystopian reference about the state of women’s health here and posted an “Under his eye” GIF. What is happening now is an injustice.

While I expected this, I also, perhaps naively, hoped for a better outcome. I am angry. I am afraid for our state and country’s future. These are dark times, and like so many Texans, I am weary.

I wonder if these are the kinds of laws that Texans who voted for the Republican­s now in power support. Is this what they envisioned? Or did this happen because so many in Texas don’t vote?

Do most Texans truly want it to be easier to carry guns — without training or a license — than to vote? Surely, they see the headlines screaming about gun deaths. They must remember the horrific mass shootings in our state.

And they should want every eligible Texan to have easy access to voting, shouldn’t they? Past generation­s fought and died for our right to vote.

Do Texans want the state to weaponize abortion for all women at six weeks, before they know they are pregnant? Even for women impregnate­d by rape or incest? Creating a bountyhunt­er vigilante system more restrictiv­e than any other — and calling it “the heartbeat bill” when it shows no love for women — is heartless.

The conservati­ve-majority U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 Wednesday to refuse to block the law, functional­ly overturnin­g Roe v. Wade, which has been upheld for half a century. In her dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote the decision ignored the Constituti­on, precedents and rule of law.

This law will force women who can’t afford to travel out of state to try dangerous methods of abortion or carry unwanted pregnancie­s. It will affect women of color more severely — no big surprise there.

The restrictiv­e abortion law is one of many laws that go too far. This isn’t conservati­ve.

The Texas GOP, on so many issues, appears focused on retaining power at any cost, even if it means outright hypocrisy about intrusive and expansive government. Consider other issues this year:

Why would our so-called leaders sue school districts desperatel­y trying to keep students and teachers alive during a pandemic? The delta variant is tightening its grip. Students and teachers are dying. Schools are closing. This is no longer our grandparen­ts’ virus.

Why would they control what teachers can teach about our history? Our state is making history now, and it’s utterly shameful. Learning about our state and country’s past — good and bad — would hopefully keep future leaders from repeating similar atrocities.

Why would Gov. Greg Abbott focus more on building an uber-expensive wall at the border than on fixing our vulnerable power grid, whose failure left millions in the dark during February’s winter storm and led to the deaths of hundreds?

Abbott, indicted Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick are proud of protecting the right to life, but for some reason protecting life ends at birth. Aren’t Texans ashamed of having the highest number of uninsured people in the country? What about our historical­ly underfunde­d child protective system? Or inequitabl­e bail system? What about discrimina­tion against people and children who are LGBTQ?

These policies don’t end in Texas. This is only the beginning. What happens in Texas cascades to other GOP-led states.

Do most Texans, regardless of political affiliatio­n, agree with these values and policies? Is gerrymande­ring to blame? Apathy? Both?

For the disconsola­te, be angry and sad, but don’t be idle. We must keep pushing forward.

It begins and ends at the ballot box. Will this motivate Texans to learn about the issues and the candidates? Will they care enough to get involved? Or will Texans acquiesce?

I hope they don’t go along to get along. I pray instead they lead or join a movement for change — even when, especially since, it is more difficult to vote.

I hope they prove that Texas is about everyone’s rights and human dignity. That’s the Texas I want to live in. That’s the Texas we all deserve.

 ?? Sergio Flores / Getty
Images ?? Supporters­s of abortion rights failed to sway legislator­s. Is this the kind of law most Texans envisioned when they voted for state legislator­s?
Sergio Flores / Getty Images Supporters­s of abortion rights failed to sway legislator­s. Is this the kind of law most Texans envisioned when they voted for state legislator­s?
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