San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Effect of eating walnuts while on thyroid meds remains murky

- JOE AND TERESA GRAEDON The People’s Pharmacy Contact the Graedons at peoplespha­

Q: How do walnuts affect people who have to take thyroid medication? My pill bottle comes with a warning that walnuts can interfere with the desired medical benefits of levothyrox­ine. If I eat walnuts several hours after taking my thyroid med, will that solve the problem?

A: We searched the medical literature for an answer to your question. It is surprising­ly murky.

The maker of brand name Synthroid (levothyrox­ine) cautions that “certain foods and supplement­s can interfere with Synthroid. Foods containing soy and cottonseed meal can make Synthroid less effective. Walnuts, grapefruit juice and dietary fiber can also make Synthroid less effective. If you eat any of these on a regular basis, check with your doctor. He or she may need to adjust your dose of Synthroid.”

That seems clear-cut, but the research supporting this statement is a bit confusing. We could not confirm that walnuts reduce levothyrox­ine absorption.

If, instead, they interfere with thyroid function, eating them at a different time would not solve the problem.

To learn more about thyroid dysfunctio­n and its treatment, including other foods that interfere with levothyrox­ine, you could consult our eGuide to Thyroid Hormones. This online resource is found under the Health eGuides tab at PeoplesPha­

Q: Long ago, I would go through several boxes of bandages every winter to help me

deal with painful cracked fingertips. A few years ago, my doctor recommende­d a hot wax spa for arthritis in my fingers. I try to use it twice a day, since the relief is great but not long-lasting. Because of the oil in the wax, I no longer have to deal with cracked fingertips.

A: That is an unusual solution for cracked fingertips. However, it makes sense. The hot wax spa uses liquid paraffin to soften skin on the hands. Soothing sore joints is another use.

Winter is especially hard on the skin of the hands because

we wash our hands so often. Without heavy-duty moisturize­r, skin on the fingertips can dry out and split. Some readers have found that barnyard beauty aids such as Udder Cream or Bag Balm are effective. A&D Ointment and Vaseline also work well, although they are quite greasy.

Many people get relief by rubbing lip balm into the cracks. Others recommend manuka honey applied under a bandage. Instant glue or liquid bandage can also be used to seal the split quickly.

Q: What can you tell me about the natural product berberine? One friend takes it to ward off a recurrence of his prostate cancer. Is there anything to this?

A: There is actually science to support the antitumor activity of berberine (Frontiers in Pharmacolo­gy, Feb. 14, 2019). It is an active ingredient in several plants used in traditiona­l Chinese medicine. Berberine has antibacter­ial, anti-inflammato­ry and antidiarrh­eal activity.

One reader shared this testimonia­l: “I was having terrible diarrhea every morning. None of the medication­s my gastro doctor prescribed worked, except for a pricey antibiotic.

“Then I noticed a section on diarrhea in one of your books. It mentioned berberine, a 3,000year-old medicine. I started taking one 500 mg capsule in the evening and it has stopped my diarrhea almost every day for three months. If I have a little diarrhea, I take a second capsule in the morning and my diarrhea is gone.”

Anyone planning to take berberine should check with their physician. Excess amounts of this compound can cause, rather than calm, diarrhea and may lead to kidney inflammati­on.

 ?? Lucy Lambriex / Getty Images ?? The effectiven­ess of some thyroid medication­s can be affected by the consumptio­n of walnuts, grapefruit juice and dietary fiber.
Lucy Lambriex / Getty Images The effectiven­ess of some thyroid medication­s can be affected by the consumptio­n of walnuts, grapefruit juice and dietary fiber.
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