San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Prosecutio­n of Trump would face hurdles

- By Michael S. Schmidt and Maggie Haberman

As new questions swirled this past week about former President Donald Trump’s potential criminal exposure for seeking to overturn the 2020 election, Trump issued a rambling 12-page statement.

It contained his usual mix of outlandish claims, hyperbole and outright falsehoods, but also something that Trump allies and legal experts said was notable and different: the beginnings of a legal defense.

On nearly every page, Trump gave explanatio­ns for why he was convinced that the 2020 election had been stolen from him and why he was well within his rights to challenge the results by any means available.

What happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump wrote, stemmed from an effort by Americans “to hold their elected officials accountabl­e for the obvious signs of criminal activity throughout the election.”

His statement, while unfounded, carried a particular significan­ce given the intensifyi­ng focus on whether he could face criminal charges. If the Justice Department were to bring a case against him, prosecutor­s would face the challenge of showing that he knew — or should have known — that his position was based on assertions about widespread election fraud that were false or that his attempt to block the congressio­nal certificat­ion of the outcome was illegal.

As a potential defense, the tactic suggested by Trump’s statement is far from a guarantee against prosecutio­n, and it presents obvious problems of credibilit­y. Trump has a long history of saying whatever suits his purposes without regard for the truth. And some of the actions he took after the 2020 election, like pressing officials in Georgia to flip enough votes to swing the outcome in that state to his column, speak to a determined effort to hold onto power rather than to address some broader perceived vulnerabil­ity in the election system.

But his continued stream of falsehoods highlights some of the complexiti­es of pursuing any criminal case against him, despite how well establishe­d the key facts are at this point.

And the statement also reflected steps Trump is taking behind the scenes to build a new legal team to deal with an array of investigat­ions, including into his pressure campaign to change the outcome of the election in Georgia and his taking classified documents with him when he left office.

Evan Corcoran, a white-collar defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor brought on by Trump, was involved in drafting the document, according to two people briefed on the matter. Corcoran has also represente­d Steve Bannon, a Trump ally who has been indicted by the Justice Department for refusing to cooperate with the House committee investigat­ing the Jan. 6 attack.

Corcoran and a spokespers­on for Trump did not respond to a request for comment.

Establishi­ng intent

The statement came during a week in which the House committee’s hearings drove home Trump’s potential criminal and civil legal exposure by highlighti­ng testimony from aides and advisers documentin­g what he had been told, and when, about the validity of his election fraud claims and the legality of his strategy for hanging onto power.

At its third hearing Thursday, the committee built a case that Trump had plunged ahead with a scheme to have Vice President Mike Pence unilateral­ly overturn the 2020 election even though Trump had been told it had no legal basis.

The Justice Department is investigat­ing a number of elements of the Capitol riot and the broader effort by Trump and his allies to keep the White House despite Joe Biden’s victory. Attorney General Merrick Garland has given no public indication that the department is

building a case against Trump, who has long contended that the investigat­ions into the Jan. 6 attack are partisan and unfounded and whose side of the story has not been presented in the House committee’s hearings.

But the panel’s investigat­ion has already generated evidence that could increase the pressure on Garland to move more aggressive­ly, a course of action that would carry extraordin­ary legal and political implicatio­ns. After prodding from the Justice Department, the House committee signaled in recent days that it would start sharing some transcript­s of its witness interviews with federal prosecutor­s as early as next month.

In a civil case related to the committee’s work, a federal judge concluded in March that Trump and a lawyer who had advised him, John Eastman, had most likely committed felonies in their effort to overturn the election. “The illegality of the plan was obvious,” Judge David O. Carter of U.S. District Court for the Central District of California concluded in that case.

Carter cited two crimes that he said the two men were likely guilty of committing: conspiracy to defraud the United States and obstructin­g a congressio­nal

proceeding. Members of the House committee have made similar suggestion­s, and some lawyers have contended that Trump could also be vulnerable to a charge of seditious conspiracy.

But successful­ly prosecutin­g the potential charges suggested by Carter and others could depend on establishi­ng Trump’s intent — an issue that his statement this past week appeared to address with the argument that he believed his challenges to the outcome were grounded in legitimate questions about the conduct of the election.

Inside Trump’s mind

Daniel L. Zelenko, a whitecolla­r defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor, said that in all of the potential crimes that were being looked at in connection with Trump’s conduct, the Justice Department would need to show that he had the intent to commit a crime. Zelenko said that while the new details revealed by the committee would help prosecutor­s in proving intent, the government still had a range of other issues to overcome in building any prosecutio­n.

“The key is having contempora­neous evidence that he was saying that he knew the election was not stolen but tried to stay in power anyway,” said Zelenko, a co-chair of the white-collar defense practice at Crowell & Moring. “The problem with Trump is that you have to try and get inside his mind, and he has such a history of lying and pushing falsehoods that it makes it difficult to determine what he really believes.”

If the Justice Department could not establish direct evidence of what Trump knew, prosecutor­s would need to turn to circumstan­tial evidence. To do that, they would typically rely on what experts and people of authority around him were telling him about whether the election had really been stolen or what kinds of strategies for fighting the outcome would be legal.

Expert advice is often enough to show a jury what a defendant knew, lawyers said. But that may be more difficult with Trump because he has such a long history of disregardi­ng experts and his own aides, they said.

Given the challenge of showing what Trump actually knew, there is one other way prosecutor­s could show he had a corrupt intent: proving what is often called “willful blindness.”

Under that principle, the government would need to show that Trump believed there was a high probabilit­y that the experts and his aides were telling him the truth when they said the election had not been stolen, but that he took deliberate actions to avoid learning more about why they believed that.

Zelenko said he understood why many Americans watching the hearings would be convinced that building a criminal case against the former president was a strong possibilit­y. But he cautioned that the standard for using evidence against a defendant is higher in court, where judges almost always insist that prosecutor­s rely on firsthand testimony, witnesses can be cross-examined and prosecutor­s need to prove their arguments beyond a reasonable doubt.

 ?? Seth Herald/Getty Images ?? The Jan. 6 House committee built a case that former President Donald Trump had plunged ahead with a scheme to have Vice President Mike Pence unilateral­ly overturn the 2020 election.
Seth Herald/Getty Images The Jan. 6 House committee built a case that former President Donald Trump had plunged ahead with a scheme to have Vice President Mike Pence unilateral­ly overturn the 2020 election.

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