San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Biden making manufactur­ing great again

- Paul Krugman

Back when Donald Trump began his political rise, it was common for mainstream pundits to attribute his support to “economic anxiety,” to suggest that MAGA was an understand­able, maybe even reasonable response to deindustri­alization and the loss of jobs in the American heartland. You don’t hear that very much anymore.

But it’s true that Trump himself was obsessed with trade deficits and that if he indeed had any unorthodox policy ideas — in practice, he was mostly a standard, tax-andbenefit-cutting Republican — they were focused on attempts to revive manufactur­ing. That, at least, was the main rationale for the trade war he started with China in 2018.

As it turned out, Trump had no visible success in promoting manufactur­ing. But a funny thing has happened under his successor: Suddenly, investment in manufactur­ing has surged. What Trump’s trade policies didn’t achieve, President Biden’s industrial policies have.

The numbers are stunning. The Trump tax cut of 2017, which was sold as a way of promoting U.S. investment, didn’t have any visible effect. Neither did the trade war, which kicked off in earnest in mid-2018. But under Biden, manufactur­ing constructi­on, as some people put it, has gone parabolic, more than doubling just over the past year.

Raw dollar figures can be misleading, especially when you’re looking at the long run; spending needs to be compared with the size of the economy as a whole.

It’s still really impressive. And there’s no real question about the causes of the surge. It’s being driven by two major pieces of legislatio­n: the misleading­ly named Inflation Reduction Act, whose actual core is subsidies for green energy, and the CHIPS Act (“creating helpful incentives to produce semiconduc­tors” — call in the acronym police!), which is supposed to protect national security by promoting domestic production of, um, chips.

The ultimate impact of these policies will almost surely be much bigger than these numbers suggest. For one thing, planning and beginning work on new manufactur­ing plants takes time, so there’s probably even more spending in the pipeline. For another, these numbers count only constructi­on — basically, factory buildings. Filling those buildings with machinery and investing in R&D to make the most of the new capacity will probably add hundreds of billions to the total business spending.

Why are Biden policies producing a manufactur­ing revival but Trump policies didn’t? Well, Trump’s trade policy was simply incompeten­t: Because it raised tariffs on industrial inputs as well as consumer goods, it raised costs and may well have reduced manufactur­ing employment. And the Trump tax cut was based on the belief that if you let corporatio­ns keep more of their profits, they’ll invest the money rather than use it to, say, buy back shares; this belief was proved wrong.

Biden’s industrial policies, by contrast, are largely focused on creating demand for U.S.-manufactur­ed products, for example by subsidizin­g the purchase of electric vehicles. And business investment, while far less sensitive to tax rates than legend has it, is very responsive to demand.

And so we’re having a huge manufactur­ing revival.

Now, there’s a risk that what I’m saying may come across as too uncritical­ly upbeat. So let me offer two major caveats about the Biden manufactur­ing boom.

First, even if we do have a major manufactur­ing revival, we’re not going back to 1970, when more than one-quarter of U.S. workers were in manufactur­ing. We’re still going to be overwhelmi­ngly a service economy, despite these new policies.

Second, rapid growth in a sector isn’t necessaril­y a good thing for the economy. Until recently, for example, there was an explosion of resources devoted to Bitcoin mining. As far as I can tell, these resources produced nothing of value — sorry, crypto enthusiast­s, Bitcoin has yet to show that it’s useful for anything besides money laundering. And the Bitcoin boom has both inflicted environmen­tal damage and consumed resources that could have been used to produce things that are actually useful.

So why should we consider Biden’s industrial-policy-driven manufactur­ing boom a good thing? Mainly because it’s part of an urgently needed transition to renewable energy that may be our last chance to avoid climate catastroph­e. And the surge in U.S. manufactur­ing investment partly reflects protection­ist aspects of the legislatio­n that are a bad thing in terms of economic efficiency — but were essential to the dealmaking that made it possible to tackle climate change at all.

The success of Biden’s manufactur­ing policy can’t be judged purely by the extremely impressive investment numbers. Still, the policy would clearly have been considered a failure if it hadn’t produced a manufactur­ing boom.

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