San Antonio Express-News (Sunday)

Paralyzed vocal cord proves troubling

- Dr. Keith Roach Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@ or send mail to 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL

Q: My daughter, 45, has had a paralyzed left vocal cord for about a year now. We have been to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor who ran at least a half dozen tests, including several scans. These didn’t show a reason for the problem, and everything else appeared to be normal. She had a cold before this happened. We were treating her for a lingering sore throat.

The doctor has told us there is nothing to be done to unfreeze the vocal cord. I would love your opinion on this matter, as she has a lot of pain associated with it, and she coughs trying to get out what feels stuck in there.

A: Paralysis of the vocal cord is often the result of damage to the nerve that goes to the vocal cord; there’s one on each side. The left side is particular­ly vulnerable and may be damaged during surgery (especially thyroid surgery), but a big fear is that a mass (especially a cancerous one) can damage the nerve and cause paralysis of the vocal cord. This is why her doctor did the CT scan.

There are other less-common causes, such as nerve damage from other occurrence­s (stroke and multiple sclerosis); inflammato­ry diseases (lupus and others); and infections (such as Lyme disease). It sounds like the ENT doctor looked for other possibilit­ies such as these. (But if not, it should be done.)

When a cause can’t be found, we call it “idiopathic unilateral vocal cord paralysis.” This often seems to happen after a viral infection, and it sounds like your daughter might have had one. Many people with this condition get better by themselves during the first year, but now that it has been about a year for her, she isn’t likely to get better without treatment.

I am not an expert in treatment, but ENT surgeons have several types of surgical interventi­ons to improve hoarseness, cough and discomfort. It’s time to go back to her ENT doctor or get referred to an expert in surgical treatment of this condition.

Q: If exercise helps new arteries to grow, would it also help new veins to grow and alleviate varicose veins?

A: It’s a good thought, but unfortunat­ely, exercise does not make the body grow new arteries, which are the large blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood to our organs and muscles. Exercise increases the size of the arteries and can help keep them from getting stiffer with age. Exercise in combinatio­n with a good diet can also help keep them from getting blocked.

In addition, exercise can help with varicose veins, but once again, it isn’t because the body grows new veins. Varicose veins are dilated veins that occur due to damage in the tiny valves inside veins. Without those valves, the venous blood can pool under the effects of gravity, causing veins to swell.

Exercise helps because of the pump effect of the intermitte­nt muscle contractio­n, which forces blood back into the large veins and ultimately back into the heart. Exercise, compressio­n stockings and elevation are among the most important lifestyle changes for varicose veins.

Q: I am a 66-year old postmenopa­usal woman who is scheduled next month for a hysterecto­my to correct a pelvic organ prolapse. There is no history of ovarian cancer in my family. My first period was at age 12, and menopause happened for me at age 51. I used birth control pills.

My gynecologi­st is leaving the decision up to me. I have read that ovaries still produce important hormones after menopause. What are your thoughts on keeping my ovaries or going through with this procedure?

A: I recommend prophylact­ically removing the ovaries during a hysterecto­my only when a woman is at a high risk for ovarian cancer. You haven’t identified any risk factors for ovarian cancer. You don’t have early menarche (first period before age 12) or late menopause (age 55 or greater), both of which increase the risk.

Having taken birth control pills or having children decreases the risk of ovarian cancer. Since the lifetime risk of ovarian cancer in an average risk woman is just over 1%, your risk is going to be below this, and there is not a large benefit in removing your ovaries from this standpoint.

Removing the ovaries greatly reduces ovarian cancer risk (by more than 90%) but does not eliminate it entirely. This is because there are additional tissues, which contain the same cells that turn into ovarian cancer. In younger women, removing the ovaries reduces breast cancer risk, but there is no proven benefit in women over 60.

However, there is proven harm from removing the ovaries, apart from the small risk during surgery. Women who undergo this procedure are at a higher risk for heart disease and overall death, as well as chronic kidney disease. But these risks were found primarily in women who were younger than you at the time of surgery.

For women at an average risk of ovarian cancer, the best data we have suggest that removal of the ovaries doesn’t provide a net benefit for menopausal women and probably causes net harm to younger women.

In a recent Mayo Clinic study, only 2.5% of women had elective removal of their ovaries at the time of a hysterecto­my. Women with a high risk of ovarian cancer, such as those with a strong family history or who are known to have a genetic predisposi­tion (such as the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes), should discuss their options with a genetic counselor.

Q: I don’t remember anyone having peanut allergies in the ’60s and ’70s when I was in school. Now it seems peanut allergies are everywhere. What changed? Are peanuts different, or are people?

A: Peanut allergies have increased in recent years, with 0.4% of people reported in 1997; 0.8% in 2002; and 1.4% in 2008. The most recent data remain between 1% to 2%. The exact reason why isn’t clear, but it’s not because peanuts are different.

From my reading, the most likely answer is that kids aren’t getting exposed to peanuts at a very young age, which protects against the developmen­t of a peanut allergy. However, attempts to increase peanut exposure to infants were not successful at reducing peanut allergies in a countrywid­e trial in Australia.

 ?? Getty Images ?? Vocal cord paralysis is often reported following a viral infection. Some other causes may include stroke, multiple sclerosis, inflammato­ry diseases and infections such as Lyme disease.
Getty Images Vocal cord paralysis is often reported following a viral infection. Some other causes may include stroke, multiple sclerosis, inflammato­ry diseases and infections such as Lyme disease.
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