San Antonio Express-News

Trump: He stands firm.


President Donald Trump refused to back down from his immigratio­n policy even as Republican­s running for office fear a backlash over his policy of separating children from their asylum-seeking parents. The tough stance was shown in his tweets Tuesday morning.

“We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12,000 children, 10,000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions,” he tweeted.

“We must always arrest people coming into our country illegally,” he said in another tweet.

The tweets came after sharp criticism from lawmakers, both Democrat and Republican, after pictures emerged of children separated from parents and placed in enclosures that resembled large kennels or cages.

He then claimed without evidence that the vast majority of children who are being detained in cages didn’t actually arrive with their parents, so there were no parents from whom they could be separated.

The president also tweeted his disapprova­l of Democrat policies, blaming them for the problem with separated families.

“Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!” he tweeted.

In another tweet, he claimed crime in Germany was rising because of a large number of recent immigrants. However, statistics show crime in Germany is actually going down.

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