San Antonio Express-News

Robbing the poor

- Carl Lloyd

Although foreign policy is made by the executive branch, I believe Congress does have a responsibi­lity to keep the American public informed. How many Americans understood the connection between U.S. arms deals with Saudi Arabia and the genocide in Yemen before the murder of an important journalist? Such ignorance not only destroys innocent lives, it also harms the reputation of the United States.

President Eisenhower said something 65 years ago that bears repeating today: “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed.”

Today, we are in the midst of endless, costly worldwide conflict. This was not always so. And, if informed, I believe most Americans would want to do something about it. yes, rational no.

The definition of rational means: 1) reasonable and 2) sane. Neither describes 45.

The propositio­n made a huge issue of a “sweetheart deal” given the city manager (arguably the best in Texas) much like the “sweetheart deal” the firefighte­rs union received in benefits (arguably the best in Texas).

If we wish to evaluate a product, let’s do so on the merits of what has been accomplish­ed. If you wish to argue whether she wielded too much power and should have been term-limited or she was not accountabl­e, let’s do so on that basis. To use questionab­le means to advance populist anti-government agendas and demonize city leaders and city priorities is disingenuo­us at best.

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 ?? Associated Press file photo ?? A Navy fighter jet lands on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. A reader quotes Eisenhower on military armaments.
Associated Press file photo A Navy fighter jet lands on the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower. A reader quotes Eisenhower on military armaments.

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