San Antonio Express-News

Flush all bad ideas with bathroom bill


The bathroom bill was unlikely to resurface in 2019.

Neverthele­ss, we were pleased to see newly minted House Speaker Dennis Bonnen, R-Angleton, give the idea of a bathroom bill 2.0 the big flush. “I would be very discourage­d if a distractio­n of that type derailed the opportunit­y of significan­t school finance reform or property tax reform,” he said.

Notice he said “distractio­n of that type.” He didn’t simply single out the bathroom bill, which sought to dictate the bathrooms transgende­r people use and was as unnecessar­y as it was discrimina­tory. It put Texas in a bad light. It potentiall­y would have led to an economic boycott. But because the bathroom bill was deemed a priority of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Gov. Greg Abbott, it distracted lawmakers from dealing with real issues last legislativ­e session. Instead of making headway on school finance, state lawmakers were arguing about policing potties.

Patrick has previously said the bathroom bill fight is over, and Abbott said it was not a priority while campaignin­g for re-election last year. So, the bathroom bill was likely never coming back, even if certain groups still support it.

But that doesn’t preclude other potentiall­y discrimina­tory or unnecessar­ily controvers­ial legislatio­n from rearing its ugly head this session. And that’s why Bonnen’s broad choice of words is welcome. “Distractio­n of that type” is bigger than the bathroom bill. It means legislatio­n that is inherently divisive, corrosive and unnecessar­y. Flush it all and focus on school finance, property taxes, criminal justice reforms and other real Texas issues. It’s the right tone from the new House Speaker.

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