San Antonio Express-News

By Jacqueline Bigar



(Jan. 15). This year proves to be nothing less than exciting. TAURUS enjoys you and is of the same mindset.

(March 21-April

19) ★★★★ You are aware of what is going on and maintain an appropriat­e demeanor. Your instincts will serve you, but don’t take any risks. A discussion could be informativ­e. Tonight: Pay bills first.

(April 20-May 20) ★★★★★ The Moon in your sign illuminate­s your personalit­y. You might attempt to have a serious talk, and are likely to discover that the other party just isn’t in the mood. Tonight: You could be full of surprises.

(May 21-June

20) ★★★ You might feel as if you cannot get your message across. Remember, today is but one day in your life. Indulge in a favorite pastime. You will be a lot more content accepting the present trends than fighting them. Tonight: Out late.

(June 21-July 22) ★★★★★ Emphasize what is important to you in a changing situation. You don’t often support yourself in expressing priorities. Discuss your desires and goals right

Today’s Birthday Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

now, as you have a willing audience. Tonight: Where fun can be found.

(July 23-Aug. 22)

★★★★★ Be ready to have a challengin­g discussion with a close associate. The two of you do not look at life from the same perspectiv­e. Sharing your difference­s could be very rewarding. Tonight: A must appearance.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

★★★ Keep reaching out to someone. This person might seem distant or closed off. Your caring attitude makes quite a difference in this bond. Do not make assumption­s about odd behavior. Tonight: Get into a favorite TV series.

(Sept. 23-Oct.

22) ★★★★ You could be exhausted by what is happening around you. You enjoy the good life and dislike instabilit­y, which seems to be surroundin­g you right now. Tonight: Find a hot tub.

Leo Virgo Libra

(Oct. 23-Nov.

21) ★★★★★ You could be withdrawn in how you deal with a loved one. The issue is control, which you think you need to have over situations. In reality, the only control you have is over yourself. Tonight: Have a quiet chat with a loved one.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ★★★ Refuse to get overly serious. Reining yourself in a bit might be wise, as you seem to go to extremes. You will find that you can realize a long-term wish, though at times you feel that it’s impossible. Tonight: Know when to change topics.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ★★★★★ You flourish with creativity and a sense of fun. You have many good ideas that someone might be trying to tease out of you. Your imaginatio­n becomes a source of wilder notions and concepts. Tonight: Ever playful.

Sagittariu­s Capricorn

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

★★★★ You value friendship. Sometimes you do not share your thoughts, because you do not want to disrupt the present moment or mood. You might want to discuss an important purchase for your home with a friend or loved one. Tonight: Put up your feet.

(Feb. 19-March 20)

★★★★ You could have a very good idea; however, a lot seems to be happening quite quickly around you. Turning an imaginativ­e thought into reality could be challengin­g, even for you. A friend has a lot to share. Tonight: Out and about.

Aquarius Pisces

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