San Antonio Express-News

King prompts GOP to decry bigotry, sort of

- MICHAEL GERSON michaelger­

What happens when immense bigotry gets lodged in a small mind? Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, is what happens.

In a recent interview with the New York Times, King asked, “White nationalis­t, white supremacis­t, Western civilizati­on — how did that language become offensive?” It is a question that could only be posed by a bigot. And because it was a rhetorical question, King was assuming that all the rest of us — all right-thinking people — are bigots as well. Shouldn’t the tie between whiteness and civilizati­on be obvious?

As a reminder, white nationalis­m and supremacy — the ideology shared by Jefferson Davis, Bull Connor and, evidently, Steve King — became offensive because of centuries of stolen labor, murder and cruel abuse; because of a bloody war that one side conducted on behalf of slavery; because of repeating waves of antiimmigr­ant prejudice, alarmism and discrimina­tion; because of routine lynchings and the stinging viciousnes­s of segregatio­n; because of the assumption that robbed, exploited and oppressed people somehow deserve social challenges resulting from robbery, exploitati­on and oppression.

For King, this was not a slip of the tongue but the developmen­t of a theme. “We can’t restore our civilizati­on with somebody else’s babies,” King has argued. Those babies eventually grow up to be, in King’s words, migrant kids with “calves the size of cantaloupe­s because they’re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert.” This is threatenin­g because “diversity is not our strength.” In fact, it is “cultural suicide by demographi­c transforma­tion.” And King blames all of this on a conspiracy led by one, Semitic force: George Soros, whose money “floats in in such a way you can’t see the flow.”

King has pioneered a politics of resentment for demographi­c change and animus for outsiders. He feeds ethnic stereotype­s and conspiracy theories. He issues apocalypti­c warnings: “Europe is waking up. … Will America … in time?” And his local supporters dismiss criticism of King as “a personalit­y thing.”

Many elected Republican­s in Washington have been forthright in their criticism of King after his latest offense. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy called King’s remarks “reckless” and “wrong.” Rep. Liz Cheney, RWyo., said King’s argument was “abhorrent and racist.” To Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, it was “offensive and racist.”

McCarthy has taken the welcome step of removing King from his committee assignment­s. Censure by the House is the next logical move, if Republican­s are serious about scrubbing the stain King has left on their party.

In their criticism of King, you get the sense that Republican­s are actually relieved to be in the position of attacking racism for a change, instead of being forced to defend it from the president. They seem to be signaling that they are not really the bigots that they appear to be. But attacking King reveals some sense of shame at what they have become.

Yet, in the end, Republican critics of King manage to look worse rather than better. If racism is the problem, then President Donald Trump is a worse offender. And their relative silence on Trump is a sign of hypocrisy and weakness.

Take the last days before the 2018 midterm elections. Trump closed his campaign for Republican­s with a hysterical warning that brown people were invading the country. He initially suggested they should be shot. He added that he “wouldn’t be surprised” if Soros was funding the migrant caravan. This is clearly what he regards as his strongest political argument — the racist promotion of animus against outsiders, tied to pernicious conspiracy theories.

Trump feeds ethnic stereotype­s of migrants as “rapists” and “murderers.” He makes apocalypti­c warnings that Democratic control would “turn America into Venezuela” and “totally open borders.” And his supporters dismiss criticism against him as a personalit­y thing.

Add to this Trump’s attributio­n of Kenyan citizenshi­p to Barack Obama. And his sympathy for the “very fine people” attending a white supremacis­t rally in Charlottes­ville, Va. And his attacks on African-American athletes and other figures. And his pardoning of former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for racial profiling, terror raids and cruel punishment of inmates. And his attempts at a Muslim ban. And his contempt for “shithole countries.” And … a list far longer than I can include.

By any standard, Trump says things that are reckless, wrong, abhorrent, offensive and racist. And until Republican­s can state this reality with the same clarity and intensity that they now criticize King, they will be cowards in a time crying for bravery.

 ?? Associated Press file photo ?? Republican­s have been piling on Rep. Steve King, but they ignore similar utterings from President Donald Trump.
Associated Press file photo Republican­s have been piling on Rep. Steve King, but they ignore similar utterings from President Donald Trump.
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