San Antonio Express-News

Commonsens­e ways to expand abortion access in Texas

- By Aimee Arrambide Aimee Arrambide is the executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Texas.

Throughout my childhood, my father was an abortion provider in our hometown of San Antonio. What I didn’t realize until much later was that he would put a Kevlar vest over his scrubs because anti-abortion terrorists threatened and harassed him. Every Friday, he drove hundreds of miles to Laredo and Corpus Christi to provide care for people there.

Now, decades later, the communitie­s my father traveled to are without clinics entirely. In fact, since 2013, the number of Online columnist headquarte­rs

The latest from: David Brooks / Maureen Dowd / Thomas Friedman / Michael Gerson / Nicholas Kristof / Paul Krugman / Rich Lowry / Ruben Navarrette / Kathleen Parker / Catherine Rampell / Eugene Robinson Texas abortion clinics has dropped from 42 to 21. Right now, no abortion clinics are open in the Panhandle, large swaths of South and West Texas, and East Texas, forcing people in some cities to travel 300 miles one-way to get the care they need.

To put it simply, Texas is an abortion desert, and this is entirely by design. For the past decade, anti-abortion lawmakers controllin­g the Texas Legislatur­e have passed dozens of laws intended to chip away at abortion access, with the end goal of making abortion nonexisten­t in our state. And this year will be no different, despite the gains made in the midterm elections.

But the political tide is turning, and the time is now to offer a vision for restoring and expanding access to abortion in Texas.

Texans who are forced to travel for abortion care rack up significan­t additional expenses for things such as transporta­tion costs and hotel stays, or in lost wages. Research has also shown that as abortion clinics have shuttered, wait times for appointmen­ts have increased, which force patients to delay their care until further into pregnancy, adding even more cost to the procedure.

But what if patients could communicat­e with their physician over phone or video and still access safe, effective abortion care? Enter abortion pills via telemedici­ne. Advances in technology and medicine mean telemedici­ne is now lauded as a meaningful solution to gaps in health care access.

Telemedici­ne holds the promise that patients in the most rural parts of our vast state can get the basic care they need even if there is no provider in their community. The Texas Legislatur­e acknowledg­ed as much in 2017, passing a sweeping bill that expanded telemedici­ne in our state. Solely for political reasons, abortion care was specifical­ly excluded.

For more than 15 years, medication abortion — a two-pill regimen of mifepristo­ne and misoprosto­l — has been an FDAapprove­d, safe method of abortion care up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. In fact, studies have consistent­ly shown that medication abortion via telemedici­ne is just as safe as a doctor dispensing the pills to a patient in person.

We need only look to pilot projects underway in Iowa, Hawaii or Maine for a glimpse of what abortion via telemedici­ne could look like. A patient would arrive at a medical facility, consult with an abortion provider over video, and then pick up a prescripti­on at a local pharmacy and manage the abortion at home. Research shows medication abortion is extremely safe, but should a patient need followup, a provider is only a phone call away.

Another commonsens­e solution to expanding abortion access would be allowing advanced clinicians — such as advanced practice registered nurses, physician assistants or certified nurse midwives — to provide abortion care. Texas is one of the 34 states that require abortions be provided by physicians, but research tells us that many advanced clinicians have the necessary skills and training to also provide abortions.

In fact, these so-called “physician-only” laws actually create unnecessar­y barriers to abortion care, according to a recent study by the National Academies of Science, Engineerin­g, and Medicine. The same study found that abortions provided by advanced practice clinicians are just as safe as those provided by a physician.

What’s more, Texas insurance law recognizes registered nurses as primary health care providers, but again, these same nurses are forbidden from performing a safe health care procedure purely because of politics.

As I think about what lies ahead this legislativ­e session, I’m reminded of my father. He put his life on the line every day to ensure Texans could get the abortion care they needed without shame or stigma.

I look forward to the weeks and months to come, when together with our partners and with Texans who share the belief that each of us should be able to make decisions about our own health care, we offer a vision for a better Texas, where people and their decisions are supported and respected, and they can get the care they need with dignity. Starting with commonsens­e solutions to expanding access to abortion.

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