San Antonio Express-News

By Jacqueline Bigar



(March 16). This year, you project an unavoidabl­e magnetism that others feel. LEO cannot help wanting to be around you. (March 21-April 19) You could be more difficult than you think. Others avoid arguments with you. They sense your quirkiness or unpredicta­bility. Their actions could prevent a hassle. Tonight: Letting off steam.

Today’s Birthday Aries

(April 20-May 20) Your instincts guide you. When the time is right, you will naturally speak the right words to create what you want. You cannot force this moment, but know that it will happen. Tonight: Speak your mind.

(May 21-June 20) Your sixth sense guides you. At the same time, this intuitive ability lets you know when you have gone overboard. You might need to change your plans to accommodat­e another person. Tonight: The later it gets, the happier you will be. (June 21-July 22) Do not underestim­ate your desirabili­ty. You could be dismayed by another person’s controllin­g behavior. Be flattered that this person wants to control you, even if it is impossible. You know

Taurus Gemini Cancer

he or she is interested in you. Tonight: Stick to your budget!

(July 23-Aug. 22)

You might feel off for a good part of the day. Yet, as evening comes on, you suddenly feel revived. Do not cancel plans; rather, go out and enjoy yourself. You draw what you most desire. You cannot hold back. Tonight: Beaming in what you want. (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Make the most of the daytime hours. You could find a child or new friend to be challengin­g and willful. Ask yourself how deeply involved you might want to become with his or her games. Tonight: Make it early.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) An unusual tension builds when you are out and about. Perhaps you think you need to project a certain image. You feel as if someone is scrutinizi­ng you and your choices. This sense of being overly watched could easily prove to be right. Tonight: Nap.

(Oct. 23-Nov.

21) One-on-one relating takes you down a new path where excitement happens naturally. Be willing to take a risk or a leap of faith. Honor a fast change of

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

mood. You want to be more visible. Tonight: Out at a favorite spot.

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) One-on-one relating is highlighte­d, though you might find it difficult to be close to a loved one today. Your moods do not seem to work well together. Fortunatel­y, this is but a phase. Tonight: Say “yes” to adventure.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You could find it difficult to defer to another person and allow him or her to tinker with your plans. Avoid a power play, if possible. You can find time for what you want to do tomorrow or late today. Tonight: Be a duo.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Get past the errands and to-dos for the weekend. You will want to kick back and relax with a loved one or potential suitor later on. You cannot deny one part of your life for another! Tonight: Where the action is. (Feb. 19-March 20) Your creativity might be called upon to deal with several bumps in the road. You could find a friend to be demanding and needy. Opening up talks could be close to impossible at first. Tonight: Let go and enjoy.

Sagittariu­s Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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