San Antonio Express-News

Rep. Roy emerges as rookie contrarian of year

- GILBERT GARCIA ¡Puro San Antonio! @gilgamesh4­70

Chip Roy’s best quality might also be his biggest political liability.

The freshman Republican congressma­n — and former aide to Texas GOP heavyweigh­ts Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, Rick Perry and Ken Paxton — has a stubborn contrarian streak. So contrarian, in fact, that sometimes it feels like Roy is trying to do his potential adversarie­s a favor by writing their campaign-ad copy for them.

Take the May hearing of the House Oversight Committee on the issue of the high price of the HIV prevention drug, Truvada, and the amount of profit made by its manufactur­er, Gilead.

If anything stirs up a sense of bipartisan populism on Capitol Hill, it’s a chance to knock Big Pharma — either for misleading the public on the dangers of opioids or for gouging people with exorbitant drug prices.

At the May hearing, however, Roy nearly was stirred to tears by what he viewed as an unfair attack on pharmaceut­icals. Recalling his own battle, nearly a decade ago, with stage 3 Hodgkins Lymphoma, he cast drug companies as heroic.

The criticism of Gilead, Roy said, was an “attack on the capitalist­ic system.”

This was Roy in undiluted form. After hearing prominent Democrats disparage Big Pharma as a monster obsessed with profit, he turned the argument around and made the case that drug companies are supposed to be interested in profit, because that’s what businesses are all about. He resented the idea of free enterprise being demonized and he didn’t care who he offended.

If Gordon Gekko had served in Congress, this is the kind speech he would have given.

A week later, Roy temporaril­y blocked $19.1 billion in disaster aid, partly because he objected to its lack of border-security funding but largely because he resented the thought of the House passing it by unanimous consent, without a real vote. Three weeks later, he was at it again, forcing an interminab­le roll-call vote on a massive spending bill.

“My job is to go challenge the status quo in Washington and to do it on behalf of the residents of this district,” Roy said Tuesday during a visit with the San Antonio Express-News editorial board.

A few hours later, he hosted the third San Antonio town hall of his short congressio­nal tenure at Compassion Church. The event quickly turned contentiou­s, with Roy and several audience members involved in loud, heated exchanges on numerous topics.

Roy’s District 21 — which stretches from Terrell Hills up to South Austin and takes in much of the Hill Country — is a gerrymande­red chunk of Republican real estate that’s going through a bit of an identity crisis. Roy’s Republican predecesso­r, Lamar Smith, held the seat for 32 years and never faced a serious Democratic challenge.

In 2018, however, Roy barely outlasted his Democratic opponent, Austin tech entreprene­ur Joseph Kopser, by a margin of 2.6 percentage points.

The possibilit­y of a big turnout for next year’s presidenti­al election has Democrats cautiously optimistic that they can flip this once-unflippabl­e seat. Roy’s most likely Democratic opponent, former state Sen. Wendy Davis, will bring name recognitio­n and fundraisin­g acumen but also the baggage of her lackluster 2014 gubernator­ial campaign.

With Roy, you always sense that he’s running against Congress at the same time he’s serving there.

On Tuesday, he suggested that his colleagues are more consumed with getting out of town on weekends than doing their jobs.

“Nothing puts more pain on these clowns than the jet-fume fear,” he said.

Roy supports President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall but speaks with compassion about Central American families seeking asylum. While arguing that Democrats have been soft on border security, he also acknowledg­es that members of his own party have been hypocritic­al on immigratio­n.

Republican­s, he said, “stand right by the Rio Grande, with a No Trespassin­g sign, with a Help Wanted sign on the other side, while winking. We all know that and they do it. And it’s ridiculous.” Roy is a deficit hawk who nonetheles­s supports a 2017 GOP tax cut which the Congressio­nal Budget Office projected will add $1.9 trillion to the federal debt over 10 years. He is an avowed free trader who nonetheles­s refrains from criticizin­g Trump’s trade war with China.

He exudes a rare confidence, almost welcoming criticism because he gets so much enjoyment out of defending himself.

Last month, his fellow Texas freshman, El Paso Democrat Veronica Escobar, told the Texas Tribune that Roy’s legislativ­e antics “undermined his own district by blowing up relationsh­ips on both sides of the aisle.”

On Tuesday, Roy had a quick answer ready.

“Congress’s approval rating is 17 percent, $1.3 trillion dollars of deficit spending, we don’t have a secure border, our health care costs are skyrocketi­ng, we’ve been in a 17-year war,” he said.

Having sufficient­ly ripped the legislativ­e body in which he serves, Roy punctuated the thought with a mocking paraphrase of an expression used during Hurricane Katrina by Republican President George W. Bush — a phrase which came to symbolize Bush’s cluelessne­ss.

“Great job, Brownie.”

 ?? Photos by Ronald Cortes / Contributo­r ??
Photos by Ronald Cortes / Contributo­r
 ??  ?? Eva Perez, left, makes a statement disagreein­g with U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, above, at a town hall meeting Tuesday at Compassion Church in San Antonio.
Eva Perez, left, makes a statement disagreein­g with U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, above, at a town hall meeting Tuesday at Compassion Church in San Antonio.
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