San Antonio Express-News

LULAC ‘freedom walks’ seek to unite Latinos, combat bias

- By Vincent T. Davis STAFF WRITER vtdavis@expressnew­

As the marchers in the Freedom Walks for Justice turned onto Main Street, Raymond Guajardo greeted them with a determined gaze.

He held an arm in the air, his hand gripping a painting called, “The Lady in the Harbor.”

“I’m out here to support our fellow Americans who stand for liberty and justice for all,” Guajardo, 68, shouted as he held the painting that depicted the Statue of Liberty surrounded by people of all races. “I’m here to support all of the immigrants and stand against the discrimina­tion of being different.”

Guajardo was among more than 70 people who joined the local march, walking the onemile route on Wednesday evening from Milam Park to Main Plaza to stand in front of the San Fernando Cathedral.

The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) sponsored the event, which is part of the group’s push to mobilize Latino communitie­s to vote and get involved in community affairs.

San Antonio was the third stop of the 15city campaign across eight states. The walks began Oct. 15 and will end on Nov. 3. Wednesday’s walk was part of LULAC’s national campaign to promote civic engagement, elevate issues that affect local communitie­s and increase voter registrati­on.

LULAC national president Domingo Garcia said that standing as an united Latino community in front of the cathedral shows they were the original founders of San Antonio and several other cities across the state.

“This is where we came from,” he said. “We were here first. We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.”

Garcia said LULAC’s campaign also included fighting for a better minimum wage, access to health care and changing the current occupant of the White House. Speakers encouraged teens who were 18 or about to turn 18 to register to vote.

“That’s why we’re on the march,” he said.

Organizers said their trek was inspired by African American and white Freedom Riders who rode buses in 1961 through Southern states to protest and challenge segregated bus terminals.

As the event ended, Guajardo recalled how for many years he never took part in political protests. His mantra was always: “It’s not my fight.” Until, he said, he couldn’t stand to see what was going on at the border and in his country.

“Finally, I said this is my fight,” he said. “If I let this keep going on you’re going to be the next one they’re going to be kicking and knocking down.”

 ?? Kin Man Hui / Staff photograph­er ?? JoAnn Dawson, center, walks Wednesday with League of United Latin American Citizens from Milam Park to Main Plaza, part of a national effort to improve community involvemen­t.
Kin Man Hui / Staff photograph­er JoAnn Dawson, center, walks Wednesday with League of United Latin American Citizens from Milam Park to Main Plaza, part of a national effort to improve community involvemen­t.

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