San Antonio Express-News

No ‘rule of protest’


Re: “Rules on sick leave halted once again,” Front page, Nov. 23:

Photograph­s on the front page and Page A10 depict protesters demonstrat­ing in the streets in opposition to the court’s order temporaril­y enjoining the implementa­tion of San Antonio’s sick leave ordinance and denouncing the judge who granted the order.

Protesters who believe that public demonstrat­ion will intimidate or persuade judges to rule as the protesters want have no understand­ing of the rule of law and no appreciati­on for the honor of judges in upholding it.

If the rule of protest replaces the rule of law, the United States will become as corrupt and violent as those countries whose citizens emigrate to and seek asylum in the United States.

Re: “Returning to the solace of Mister Rogers’ neighborho­od,” by Josh Brodesky, Dec. 1, and “A great man indeed,” Your Turn, Dec. 8:

I have no answers to today’s problems, obviously, but I have some idea of where we went wrong. Taking prayer out of the schools is the first thing that comes to mind.

As evidenced by Brodesky’s piece and reader Bill Sims’ letter about Fred Rogers — he definitely was a great man. We would still benefit from his reruns. I am thankful for all the blessings my family has had over the years and have sympathy for all the folks who seem to have no benefits.

In my age group (retired), we have a lot of responsibi­lity but need to seek out ways to improve conditions around us.

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