San Antonio Express-News

Plug pulled on new electric tax credits

They’re omitted from spending bill approved by the House

- By James Osborne STAFF WRITER

WASHINGTON — The future of federal support for clean energy technology fell into question Tuesday, after the House passed a $1.4 trillion spending package without expanding tax credits for for electric vehicles, solar panels and energy storage.

After a dayslong negotiatio­n, Democrats and Republican­s agreed to a whittled down plan that included tax credit extensions for biodiesel and wind energy, but did not support many of the technologi­es scientists maintain are necessary to avoid the worst consequenc­es of climate change.

“This deal will cost clean energy jobs throughout the country and stunt the growth of new industries everywhere from Arizona to Michigan, all while making our path to a 100 percent clean future that much harder,” said Christy Goldfuss, senior vice president for energy and environmen­t policy at the liberal think tank Center for American Progress.

The spending deal, which President Donald Trump has indicated he will sign, comes after Democrats and Republican­s debated how to pay for a long list of tax credits, ranging from Native

American coal plants to breweries.

But then “there was a breakthrou­gh late in the night,” said Paul Winters, a spokesman for the trade group National Biodiesel Board.

According to draft legislatio­n circulatin­g Tuesday morning, the tax credit for biodiesel, which expired in 2017, would be extended through 2022, a boon for farmers and oil refineries. And the tax credit for wind turbines, which currently is winding down, will get extended for another year, giving projects begun before the end of 2020 a tax credit worth 40 per

cent of that awarded to existing turbines.

The deal also extends until the end of next year 26 additional tax credits that had expired in 2017 and 2018 , as laid out in bipartisan legislatio­n introduced earlier this year.

Among those on the list were geothermal energy, electric scooters and motorcycle­s, coal plants owned by Native American tribes and energy efficient homes.

Energy lobbyists had spent months trying to get their respective industry’s tax credits expanded or extended, as Congress debated next year’s federal spending.

House Democrats had pushed to expand credits for electric cars, which currently are capped at 200,000 vehicles per manufactur­er — a limit Tesla and General Motors already have hit.

At the same time, they were pushing to extend tax credits for wind and solar energy, both of which are scheduled to wind down in the years ahead, while creating a new tax credit for energy storage such as large-scale batteries.

“Congress let a crucial opportunit­y slip by, advancing a massive government spending bill without extending one of the most successful clean energy tax policies in history,” Solar Energy Industries Associatio­n President Abigail Hopper said.

Efforts to expand clean energy tax credits faced opposition from Republican­s, including President Donald Trump, who has called for an end to the electric vehicle tax credit.

Within the Republican Party, there remains a general disdain for tax extenders, which are used to offer short-term tax relief to certain favored industries. Even though the bill didn’t expand or extend tax breaks for solar, electric vehicles and energy storage, it still was criticized by Rep. Kevin Brady, R-The Woodlands.

“Business as usual” won this round,” Brady tweeted Tuesday. “Fight isn’t over — yearly temp tax circus needs to end.”

While Congress largely opted not to increase direct government support for clean energy technologi­es, it did increase research funding at the Energy Department. The budget of Advanced Research Projects Agency — Energy was increased 16 percent to $425 million, and the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy saw its budget increased 17 percent to $2.8 billion.

“With spending increases for @eeregov and @ARPAE but virtually nothing for tax provisions to expand clean energy, it shows that #cleanenerg­y is popular but not a priority for this Congress,” Heather Reams, executive director of Citizens for Responsibl­e Energy Solutions, tweeted Tuesday.

 ?? Jordan Blum / Staff ?? SM Energy uses small solar panels and wind turbines to power oil and gas production at some of its new wells in South Texas.
Jordan Blum / Staff SM Energy uses small solar panels and wind turbines to power oil and gas production at some of its new wells in South Texas.
 ?? Pau Barrena / Getty Images ?? The spending legislatio­n approved by the House includes tax credit extensions for biodiesel and wind energy.
Pau Barrena / Getty Images The spending legislatio­n approved by the House includes tax credit extensions for biodiesel and wind energy.
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