San Antonio Express-News

Cruz doubles down on fake Ukraine claim

- By Madlin Mekelburg POLITIFACT TEXAS For more on the research and the conclusion, visit Politifact Texas,

The claim: “Ukraine blatantly interfered in our election.” — U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

During a heated exchange with “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd, Cruz repeated a debunked claim that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Democrat Hillary Clinton.

PolitiFact ruling: False. Cruz’s claim is based on the existence of two social media posts and one op-ed from 2016 written by different Ukrainian officials criticizin­g President Donald Trump before he was elected. He also highlighte­d reports about efforts by some Ukrainians to discredit Paul Manafort, then Trump’s campaign chairman.

However, multiple intelligen­ce officials said there is no evidence Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election.

Discussion: Cruz is the latest in a string of Republican politician­s to repeat this claim, including Trump. The theory surfaced during the House’s impeachmen­t inquiry into Trump over allegation­s that he withheld military aid to compel Ukraine to investigat­e former Vice President Joe Biden.

After Todd pushed back on Cruz’s assertion, the Texas Republican said the media is playing a game with its coverage of election interferen­ce.

“Look, on the evidence, Russia clearly interfered in our election,” Cruz said. “But here’s the game the media is playing. Because Russia interfered, the media pretends nobody else did. Ukraine blatantly interfered in our election. The sitting ambassador from Ukraine wrote an oped blasting Donald Trump during the election season.”

There’s no question that some officials in Ukraine favored a Clinton presidency over a Trump presidency. But that is a separate issue from actual election interferen­ce, which U.S. intelligen­ce officials have said did not happen.

When contacted for supporting evidence, Cruz’s office pointed to two social media posts shared by Ukrainian officials in 2016 as evidence of interferen­ce.

In one, Arsen Avakov, Ukraine’s minister of Internal Affairs, shared a tweet calling Trump a “clown.”

In the other, a Facebook post, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk said that then-candidate Trump “challenged the very values of the free world, civilized world order and internatio­nal law” when he said he would “look at” whether the United States would recognize Russian control of Crimea.

Cruz’s office also pointed to two news articles on Ukraine and the 2016 election — one from Politico and one from the Financial Times.

The Politico article, from January 2017, is cited frequently by Republican­s promoting the theory that Ukraine interfered in the election. It explores efforts by some Ukrainians to discredit Manafort, then Trump’s campaign chairman, by promoting work he did on behalf of the previous, Russia-aligned government in


PolitiFact vetted the article and found that Republican­s citing the article use its findings selectivel­y, as the article itself reports that there was little evidence of any top-down effort to interfere.

“The article did not state that the Ukrainian government conspired with the Clinton campaign or the DNC,” said Melissa Cooke, a booking manager for Politico, in an email to PolitiFact. “It also emphasized that the acts of Ukrainian officials to raise questions about Trump were not comparable to Russia’s interferen­ce in the 2016 election, and reported that the then-Ukrainian government was trying to make amends with then-Presidente­lect Trump.”

The Financial Times article cited by Cruz was about the Ukrainian lawmaker who revealed more than $12 million in secret payments to Manafort from the pro-Russia party in Ukraine.

Financial Times editor Edward Luce said their coverage did not support claims about Ukrainian election interferen­ce.

Multiple intelligen­ce officials have said there is no evidence to support the theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election.

One day after Cruz’s appearance on “Meet the Press,” FBI Director Christophe­r Wray was asked about allegation­s of Ukrainian interferen­ce being pushed by Trump, Cruz and other officials during an interview on ABC News.

“We have no informatio­n that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidenti­al election,” Wray said.

That assertion was backed up by David Hale, a top-ranking official at the State Department, and Fiona Hill, the Trump White House’s former top Russia adviser.

“It is a fiction that the Ukrainian government was launching an effort to upend our election, upend our election to mess with our democratic systems,” Hill said, according to Politico.

 ?? Pete Marovich / New York Times ?? Sen. Ted Cruz has repeated a debunked claim that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton.
Pete Marovich / New York Times Sen. Ted Cruz has repeated a debunked claim that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton.
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