San Antonio Express-News

Democrats take a swing at Trump — and miss

- RUBEN NAVARRETTE ruben@rubennavar­

In the march up to impeachmen­t — the first steps of which began this past January after Democrats seized control of the House and set out to, as newly sworn-in Rep. Rashida Tlaib put it, “impeach the (expletive)” — I’ve had a movie scene playing in my head.

In “A Few Good Men,” the iconic character of Marine Col. Nathan Jessep (played by Jack Nicholson) taunts Navy lawyer Daniel Kaffee (played by Tom Cruise) about the circumstan­tial evidence presented to exonerate two Marines being court-martialed. The evidence includes the fact that the fellow Marine they’re accused of killing hadn’t called his family to tell them he was coming home, suggesting that he was never going to leave the base.

“Please tell me you’ve got something more, lieutenant,” Jessep says sarcastica­lly. “These two Marines are on trial for their lives. Please tell me that their lawyer hasn’t pinned their hopes to a phone bill.”

Democrats pinned their impeachmen­t hopes on a phone call — between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Now, as a Never Trumper, I’m sad that my Christmas stocking is empty.

I never thought Trump was fit for the office in the first place — and, time and again during the past three years, he has proved me right. I want him out, done, gone.

But the Scrooges on the left remind us there is no Santa Claus. Democrats promised to get rid of Trump, but they didn’t deliver. They went after the dragon with pea shooters so they could brag about going to war.

They approved two articles of impeachmen­t against Trump — for alleged abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress. The second one makes sense, but the first one will make your head spin.

Political observers point out that impeachmen­t isn’t a legal process but a political one.

True. But Americans can be excused for being confused — given that the process is provided for in the Constituti­on, it is supposedly triggered by “high crimes and misdemeano­rs,” evidence is presented, and the Senate holds a “trial” presided over by the chief justice of the United States.

It’s a good thing that the impeachmen­t of Trump is not a formal legal proceeding, because Democrats have built such a flimsy case for abuse of power that a rookie public defender could beat this rap.

Trump is accused of pressuring Ukraine to investigat­e Joe Biden — whom the media generously calls his “chief rival” — because he was supposedly afraid to run against the former vice president.

You don’t say? Trump may be the only person, in either party, who fears Biden. Maybe the president should have talked to Ukraine about Elizabeth Warren.

Democrats say that Trump committed a crime. Fine. Under the criminal standard, there is “reasonable doubt” as to Trump’s motives. It’s possible that he just wanted Biden, and his son Hunter, to get a taste of the scrutiny that he and his family have gotten since entering the political arena.

Trump is probably thinking: If Barron isn’t off-limits, why should Hunter be?

The point is, there is wiggle room for Trump to get loose — and Democrats were dumb to provide it.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi probably knows she’s holding a pair of deuces, which could explain why she doesn’t seem eager to take the next step in the impeachmen­t process.

After all, Pelosi has done her part. She led Democrats to approve articles of impeachmen­t and thus put a stain, an asterisk, a qualifier before the name “Donald Trump” in the history books. If there is mud on Trump at the moment, she put it there.

For whatever that’s worth.

And I would argue that if impeachmen­t energizes Trump voters to the point where one of the worst presidents in my lifetime gets re-elected — it’s not worth much.

Pelosi now seems reluctant to send the articles of impeachmen­t to the GOP-controlled Senate, where they will go to die. She’d obviously rather end this story on an indictment by the House than on an acquittal by the Senate.

So much scheming. Imagine if Democratic leaders put this much time, thought, energy and skill into developing a highqualit­y presidenti­al candidate who could defeat Trump at the polls next November. That makes too much sense.

Meanwhile, Trump tweeted about the impeachmen­t vote: “This is an assault on America.”

The (expletive) ought to know. When it comes to assaulting America — her character, her values, her traditions and her dignity — he’s a repeat offender.

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