San Antonio Express-News

Houston congresswo­man will play role in impeachmen­t trial

- By Benjamin Wermund

WASHINGTON — Sylvia Garcia’s second year in Congress is, as she put it, “off to a hell of a start.”

The Houston Democrat serving her first term in Washington will be among a group of seven representa­tives making the case to the Senate that President Donald Trump should be removed from office.

It’s a big stage for the 69-yearold Texas native, who is new to Congress but has hit several rungs of the political ladder in Texas, serving as a municipal judge, county commission­er and state senator. It marks a new high point in that long career and an early sign of the clout Garcia has gained in her short time in Washington, where she’s mostly focused on civil rights, immigratio­n and voting access issues.

Garcia told Hearst Newspapers that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who announced the team of socalled impeachmen­t managers on Wednesday, asked her to join the team the night before, during a short call that Garcia said “needs to be kept between me and Nancy.” The team includes the chairmen of the House intelligen­ce and judiciary committees that oversaw the impeachmen­t process in the House.

“It feels sort of a mix of awesome and somber and kind of sad,” Garcia said. “When you think about it, this is prosecutin­g the president of the United States. It’s a defense of the Constituti­on, it’s a defense of democracy.”

Taking the job will almost certainly make her a target for Republican­s, though she holds a solidly blue district in Houston where she won 75 percent of the vote in 2018. The Trump campaign was swift to rebuke Garcia.

“Sylvia Garcia and House Democrats

are desperate to undermine a duly elected president because they know they cannot beat him at the ballot box,” Samantha Cotten, a campaign spokeswoma­n said. “Texans will remember this baseless, partisan witch hunt and vote to re-elect President Trump in November.”

Garcia, an attorney, said the appointmen­t is not something she sought out, but it also wasn’t “shocking.” She said she believes she was picked because of her experience in the courtroom.

Pelosi seemed to confirm that when she announced the team: “The emphasis is on litigators. The emphasis is on comfort level in the courtroom,” she said.

Garcia, who shares with Rep. Veronica Escobar of El Paso the distinctio­n of being the first Texas Latinas ever elected to Congress, is a member of the judiciary committee that wrote the articles of impeachmen­t accusing Trump of abusing his power by withholdin­g military aide to pressure Ukraine into investigat­ing Joe Biden and of obstructin­g Congress.

The House on Wednesday sent the articles of impeachmen­t to the Senate, where a trial is expected to begin in the coming days.

“She’s prepared her entire career for this responsibi­lity,” said state Sen. John Whitmire, a fellow Houston Democrat.

It remains to be seen how the impeachmen­t team will work together and what Garcia’s role will be. She said she doesn’t yet know what approach they will take in making the case that the Gopcontrol­led Senate should oust a Republican president.

She said it’s “encouragin­g” that a handful of Republican senators have signaled they’d be open to calling witnesses — something that Republican leaders in the Senate have resisted — “and having what I would call a real trial.”

Garcia has been slower to support impeachmen­t than some of her Democratic colleagues, including U.S. Rep. Al Green, another Houstonian, who three times tried to impeach Trump over what he calls Trump’s “bigotry.”

“I said all along I did not come here to impeach the president,” Garcia said. “Certainly I didn’t come here seeking to be a manager. I’m honored to do it.”

 ?? Al Drago / Bloomberg ?? Democrat Sylvia Garcia is new to Congress but has served as a municipal judge, county commission­er and state senator.
Al Drago / Bloomberg Democrat Sylvia Garcia is new to Congress but has served as a municipal judge, county commission­er and state senator.

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