San Antonio Express-News

By Jacqueline Bigar


people during this time. Tonight: Get out of your rut. Play a board game.

(July 23-Aug. 22) ★★★ Generally vivacious and dramatic, your feathers are a little droopy today. It’s best to spend a rare day to yourself. Pluto likes you to go through old closets and desks, and shed. Tonight: Go over shared belongings. (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Your sense of style and your people skills are excellent today. Network. Nurture a promising new relationsh­ip. Reassure a partner or children, including fur babies. They need to hear your voice. Tonight: Date night.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You make certain decisions about your living arrangemen­ts and household today. That in itself is an accomplish­ment. You like your house clean. Tonight: Dinner with your loved one.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Social prospects are especially bright today. Adorn yourself. Play with the children and assemble an especially wonderful costume. You will have fun, and lord knows it has been a while. Tonight: Virtual party.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ★★★★ Today is an excellent time to redecorate, plan home improvemen­ts and foster a deeper sense of unity with relatives. Everyone has been so cut off due to social distancing. Tonight: A quiet night in. The usual.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ★★★★★ Your mind is bright and your insight is in peak form. Today favors a fresh start. Sow and nurture all that you wish to grow. Enthusiasm and a competitiv­e mood prevail. Friends and siblings offer help. Accept. Tonight: Be with friends.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

★★★★★ For many years there has been unrest and uncertaint­y regarding finances. You might have literally gone from rags to riches and back again. Today, you experience a breakthrou­gh. Tonight: Be proud of yourself.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

★★★★★ Visionary you must start to finalize your business and personal decisions. You have been putting everything off because of this strange sci-fi movie we’re all in. But today you receive a bolt of energy. And that’s all you need. Tonight: Flaunt yourself.

Stars indicate the type of day you’ll have: five stars, dynamic; one, difficult.

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