San Antonio Express-News

Trump country is not as worried.

Study suggests efforts to limit spread of virus now defined by partisansh­ip

- By Benjamin Wermund

WASHINGTON — People in parts of the country that voted for President Donald Trump have been less worried about COVID-19, especially as the coronaviru­s was first emerging in the U.S., a new study out of Rice University found.

The study comes as Trump pushes to reopen the economy, with the backing of Texas Republican­s including Gov. Greg Abbott, who took preliminar­y steps Friday to reopen some businesses, while extending school closures.

The findings suggest that the coronaviru­s — and efforts to curb its spread — have fallen into the partisan divide, something that appears to be the case in Texas, where a group of conservati­ves, including an influentia­l Texas activist, penned an open letter to Trump last week calling stay-athome orders “tyranny.”

“Even when — objectivel­y speaking — death is on the line, partisan bias still colors beliefs about facts,” the study said. “Relying solely on compliance with voluntary suggested measures in the presence of different political views on the crisis may have limited effectiven­ess; instead, enforcemen­t may be required to successful­ly flatten the curve.”

Counties with the most Trump voters saw far fewer Google searches about the virus, and social distancing was 40 percent less prevalent in those areas than in other counties, according to Rice business professor Yael Hochberg, who co-authored the study.

The study used internet search data and smartphone data to analyze average daily travel distance and visits to nonessenti­al businesses over the last several weeks. It found that searches were low and travel was common in Trump country, especially in the early weeks of the outbreak.

Even as states began to issue stay-at-home mandates, the study found that counties that backed Trump in 2016 were slow to begin social distancing. Daily travel distance in those counties dropped by less than 7 percent, compared to a drop of more than 9 percent in daily travel in counties with fewer Trump voters.

“Only when the federal order to ‘slow the spread’ arrived from the White House do high Trump counties begin to catch up,” the study said.

The study also found that trend started to change after March 9, when it was announced that COVID-19 had struck the Conservati­ve Political Action Committee meetings and that conservati­ve politician­s — including Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas — were self-quarantine­d. This suggested that “their risk perception­s are affected not by changes in fundamenta­l underlying risk, but rather by political-related interpreta­tions of the risk.”

The study found that more people began searching for Fox News stories about the coronaviru­s after CPAC, “consistent with Fox News viewers playing catch-up once their ‘own’ are affected.”

 ?? Alex Brandon / Associated Press ?? A study found that travel was common in areas that backed President Donald Trump.
Alex Brandon / Associated Press A study found that travel was common in areas that backed President Donald Trump.

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