San Antonio Express-News

‘Are people to be left to die?’ Poorer nations call for vaccine access

- By Cara Anna

JOHANNESBU­RG — If the U.N. was created from the ashes of Worldwar II, what will be born from the global crisis of COVID-19?

Many world leaders at this week’s virtualu.n. summit hope it will be a vaccine made available and affordable to all countries, rich and poor. But with the U.S., China and Russia opting out of a collaborat­ive effort to develop and distribute a vaccine, and some rich nations striking deals with pharmaceut­ical companies to secure millions of potential doses, theu.n. pleas are plentiful but likely in vain.

“Are people to be left to die?” Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, a COVID-19 survivor, said of the uncertain way forward.

More than 150 countries have joined COVAX, in which richer countries agree to buy into potential vaccines and help finance access for poorer ones. But the absence of Washington, Beijing and Moscow means the response to a health crisis unlike any other in the U.N.’S 75 years is short of truly being global. Instead, the three powers have made vague pledges of sharing any vaccine they develop, likely after helping their own citizens first.

This week’s U.N. gathering could serve as a wake-up call, said Gayle Smith, president of the ONE Campaign, a nonprofit fighting preventabl­e disease that’s developing scorecards to measure how the world’s most powerful nations are contributi­ng to vaccine equity.

“It’s not enough for only some G-20 countries to realize that an equitable vaccine is the key to ending this virus and reopening the global economy,” she said.

With weeks remaining before a deadline for countries to join COVAX, which is co-led by the U.N.’S World Health Organizati­on, many heads of state are using the U.N. meeting as a highprofil­e chance to wheedle, persuade and even shame.

Ghanian President Nana Akufo-addo

pointed out the illusory nature of borders and wealth: “The virus has taught us that we are all at risk, and there is no special protection for the rich or a particular class.”

Tommy Remengesau Jr, president of the COVID-FREE Pacific island nation of Palau, warned against selfishnes­s: “Vaccine hoarding will harm us all.”

Just two days into nearly 200 speeches by world leaders, it was clear the urgent need for a vaccine would be mentioned by almost everyone.

“We’ve never dealt with a situation where 7.8 billion people in the world are needing a vaccine at almost the same time,” John Nkengasong, head of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said this month.

That has led to difficult questions: Who will get vaccine doses first? Who is making private deals to get them? This week’s speeches make clear that such questions have existentia­l meaning.

“Wemust take the politics out of the vaccine,” Kazakhstan said. “We need true globalizat­ion of compassion,” Slovakia said.

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