San Antonio Express-News

Hypocrisy and bad constituti­onal manners

- By George F. Will

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina contortion­ist, illustrate­s the perils of attempted cleverness by people with negligible aptitude for it. He says that the principle he enunciated in 2016 and reaffirmed in 2018 — that he would not support confirming a Supreme Court nominee in the last year of President Donald Trump’s term — has expired. One reason he gives is — really — that Democrats in 2013 ended filibuster­s for circuit court nominees.

The pandemic of national cynicism that the likes of Graham exacerbate is engulfing the Supreme Court, an institutio­n whose functionin­g will be especially damaged by it.

Immediatel­y after Justice Antonin Scalia’s death in February 2016, Senate Republican­s concocted a principle in order to give a patina of high-mindedness to something they were determined to do anyway. Now, for the same purpose, they have concocted a codicil that essentiall­y nullifies the principle.

In 2016, slathering on populist rhetoric (about “the American people” having a “voice”), they proclaimed that no Supreme Court nominee should be confirmed in a presidenti­al election year. Now they assert, without pretending to have an argument: Oh, never mind, because unlike in 2016, the Senate majority and the president are of the same party.

Many conservati­ves, lacking the conservati­ve virtue of prudence, belabor the obvious with a sense of intellectu­al achievemen­t: They say Barack Obama had the power to nominate

Merrick Garland to replace Scalia, and the Senate had the power to deny him an up-ordown vote, so nothing more need be said.

Indeed, nothing more — if there is nothing more to constituti­onal etiquette than this cold logic of formal powers. The logic is as clear as it is obtuse when offered as a sufficient justificat­ion for not voting on an accomplish­ed moderate jurist nominated 237 days before the 2016 election. But the nation’s often ferocious political competitio­n, although framed by the Constituti­on, should be lubricated by prudence, whereby ferocity is tempered by a statesmanl­ike

refusal to exercise every power the Constituti­on grants.

Sixteen Republican­s who were in the Senate in 2016 and who are seeking re-election this year said (Susan Collins did not say this) that refusing to confirm a new justice during a presidenti­al election year was high statesmans­hip. How many will have the effrontery to vote for someone nominated while presidenti­al voting is underway or after the election even if the nominator loses?

Republican senators correctly say that Senate Democrats, given a comparable opportunit­y, would behave with identical loutishnes­s. Most Republican­s

argue, like kindergart­ners, that this justifies their behavior. But if just four nonplastic Republican senators were to not ignore their caucus’s pretend 2016 principle, the coming nominee could not be confirmed before the election. And if Trump loses, perhaps even this amazingly malleable Republican caucus would not confirm his nominee before Joe Biden’s inaugurati­on. So, whomever Trump nominates could have a tortuous Merrick Garland experience of disappoint­ment.

Suppose — not implausibl­y — that the Republican Senate caucus is incapable of embarrassm­ent. Suppose Biden wins and Democrats have a net gain of at least three Senate seats. And suppose that either before the election or before the new Senate is sworn in Jan. 3, Republican­s confirm a new justice. And suppose Senate Democrats, spurred by their party’s enraged base and enabled by their quick abolition of the filibuster, enlarge the Supreme Court by at least four members (two fewer than Franklin Roosevelt envisioned).

This would erase the principal achievemen­t — three Trump nominees — for which Senate Republican­s, during four years of canine obedience to the nominator, have rationaliz­ed shedding their dignity and shredding their reputation­s.

This institutio­nal vandalism by Democrats would be a grievous injury to the court, which has, so far, largely escaped being drenched by the Niagara of public contempt for the great institutio­ns of national governance, not least Congress. Public confidence in the court’s disinteres­tedness is the source of its power to defend the Constituti­on from willful and imprudent majorities, including Senate majorities.

Confidence in the court is as perishable as the reputation­s of the senators of both parties who in the next few years might cause the court to be seen as just another scuffed and soiled plaything in the nation’s increasing­ly tawdry political game. If so, the Republican­s among those senators will be able to see the monument to their careers when they look east from the Capitol’s Senate wing, across First Street NE, to the court’s glistening white building, where a liberal majority will be presiding on a lengthened bench for a long time.

 ?? Mandel Ngan / Getty Images ?? Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican contortion­ist from South Carolina, says the principle he enunciated in 2016 and reaffirmed in 2018 — that he would not support confirming a Supreme Court nominee in the last year of President Donald Trump’s term — has expired.
Mandel Ngan / Getty Images Sen. Lindsey Graham, the Republican contortion­ist from South Carolina, says the principle he enunciated in 2016 and reaffirmed in 2018 — that he would not support confirming a Supreme Court nominee in the last year of President Donald Trump’s term — has expired.
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