San Antonio Express-News

Two campaigns, two different views

Trump vows to get U.S. ‘back to normal’ from pandemic; Biden warns hard times still ahead

- By Zeke Miller, Alexandra Jaffe and Kevin Freking

WATERFORD TOWNSHIP, Mich. — President Donald Trump dangled a promise Friday to get a weary, fearful nation “back to normal” as he looked to campaign past the political damage of the devastatin­g pandemic.

It was a tantalizin­gly rosy pitch in sharp contrast to Democratic rival Joe Biden, who pledged to level with America about tough days still ahead after Tuesday’s election.

In a campaign dominated by the pandemic that has killed more than 227,000 Americans and staggered the economy, the candidates’ clashing overtures stood as a reflection of their leadership styles and policy prescripti­ons for a suffering U.S.A.

Trump and Biden both spent Friday crisscross­ing the Midwest, the hardest-hit part of the nation in the latest surge of virus cases.

Trump was in Michigan and Biden in Iowa before they both held events in Wisconsin and Minnesota.

With four days until the election and more than 86 million votes already cast, time was running out for Trump and Biden to change the contours of a race framed largely around the incumbent’s handling of the pandemic.

Biden is leading most national polls and has a narrow advantage in many of the critical battlegrou­nds that could decide the race.

Trump, billing himself as an optimist, says the nation has “turned the corner” from the outbreak that still kills about 1,000 Americans each day.

He speaks hopefully of coming treatments and potential vaccines that have yet to receive approval.

Biden dismisses Trump’s talk as a siren song that only can prolong the virus, and pledges a nationwide focus on reinstitut­ing measures meant to slow the

spread of the disease.

“He said a long dark winter,” Trump scoffed Friday at a rally in Michigan. “Oh that’s great, that’s wonderful. Just what our country needs is a long dark winter and a leader who talks about it.”

Trump’s rallies, which draw thousands of supporters, have served as representa­tions of the sort of “reopening” he has been preaching.

With spotty use of masks and a lack of social distancing, they flout state and local guidelines he deems too onerous as he speaks as though the virus largely has disappeare­d.

Trump and his aides talk openly about seeking the backing of those “fed up” by state restrictio­ns, and he has encouraged chants among his supporters calling for the imprisonme­nt of local officials who have instituted them.

The president believes his adherents represent part of a “silent majority” that will help him pull off another come-from-behind victory Tuesday.

Biden, for his part, referenced Trump’s comments last summer that the virus “is what it is.”

He told supporters in Des Moines, Iowa, that “it is what it is because he is who he is! These guys are something else, man.”

Biden has seized on comments by Trump’s chief of staff that the virus can’t be controlled and that the administra­tion is focused instead on vaccines and therapeuti­cs.

By contrast, Biden is promising to step up the fight to contain the spread, including a mask mandate on federal property and pressure on governors to apply it in their states, and pledging to follow the advice of public health profession­als on potentiall­y strict safety rules.

Still, Biden appeared sensitive to Trump’s closing cry that the Democrat would impose draconian measures more damaging than the the virus itself.

“I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy,” Biden tweeted Friday, responding directly to Trump’s attack lines. “I’m going to shut down the virus.”

Trump’s closing appeal to “Make America Great Again, Again” paints a bright image of the nation’s condition during precoronav­irus times that contrasts with Biden’s charge to “Build Back Better.”

The president’s focus on returning the nation’s economy to the boom times of 2019 resonates with some voters, but overlooks the divided and rancorous politics that swirled around impeachmen­t and the persistent problems of inequality.

As the nation set records for confirmed cases, Wall Street closed out a punishing week Friday with the S&P 500 posting its first back-to-back monthly loss since the pandemic first gripped the economy in March.

Friday marked the beginning of the critical final stretch before the election.

Trump’s closing sprint includes four stops in Pennsylvan­ia today and nearly a dozen events in the final 48 hours across states he carried in 2016.

Biden, after visiting Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota on Friday, will hit Michigan today, where he’ll hold a joint rally with former President Barack Obama.

Biden will close out his campaign Monday in a familiar battlegrou­nd: Pennsylvan­ia, the state where he was born and the one he’s visited more than any other in his campaign.

The Biden team announced the candidate; his wife Jill; running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris’ and her husband, Doug Emhoff, plan to “fan out across all four corners of the state.”

After stopping in Green Bay on Friday, Trump will be back in Wisconsin on Monday for a visit to Kenosha.

He appears to lag in recent polling behind his 2016 numbers in the GOP-leaning suburbs around Milwaukee, a key area for successful Republican campaigns in the state.

A new Marquette University Law School poll shows Trump with support from 52 percent of likely voters in the eight counties that form the half-ring around Milwaukee.

In 2016, he received a combined 61 percent of the vote in the eight counties when he won the state by fewer than 25,000 votes.

Attendance at the president’s final campaign stop in Rochester, Minn., was capped at 250 people at the insistence of state and local officials. The Minnesota Department of Health has linked 28 coronaviru­s cases to other recent Trump campaign events in the state.

Trump spoke briefly to hundreds who gathered outside the venue, Rochester Internatio­nal Airport, before giving brief remarks on the tarmac to supporters who were allowed onsite.

 ?? Rachel Mummey / Bloomberg ?? Attendees hold signs during a drive-in rally for Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden at the Iowa State Fairground­s in Des Moines.
Rachel Mummey / Bloomberg Attendees hold signs during a drive-in rally for Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden at the Iowa State Fairground­s in Des Moines.
 ?? Mandel Ngan / Getty Images ?? Supporters cheer as President Donald Trump arrives to a campaign rally at the Green Bay airport in Wisconsin.
Mandel Ngan / Getty Images Supporters cheer as President Donald Trump arrives to a campaign rally at the Green Bay airport in Wisconsin.

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