San Antonio Express-News

Alcohol doesn’t fuel this presidenti­al race

- By Adam Nagourney

A presidenti­al election that has driven a nation to drink is being fought to the bitter end by two men who don’t.

For the first time in modern history, both major party candidates for the White House are teetotaler­s. President Donald Trump and his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, haven’t had an alcoholic drink over the course of their lives, by their own accounts.

This Teetotaler Campaign, and the fact that this circumstan­ce has drawn so little notice, is to some extent evidence of how the once hard-drinking culture of politics is changing.

Candidates, campaign aides and reporters are drinking less, aware of the scrutiny that comes in the age of cellphones and Twitter, not to mention the nonstop demands of a round-the-clock campaign.

But it also goes to the way Biden and Trump, for all their stark difference­s, share some similariti­es in character and background, according to biographer­s and others who have observed them over the years.

They each grew up in families shadowed by the specter of alcoholism — Trump’s brother died from it, and one of Biden’s favorite uncles, whom he lived with growing up, was a heavy drinker.

Both have distanced themselves from the boozy social circuits in Washington and New York, Biden because he was commuting home to his family in Delaware every night and Trump because he tends to be more comfortabl­e at home watching television.

But more than anything, it’s testament to the nature of two fiercely ambitious men, and their calculatio­n that alcohol would put them at a disadvanta­ge, be it in the world of politics or New York developmen­t, or running a casino.

“These are two intensely competitiv­e men who made a judgment early in their careers that their path to success is going to be willing themselves into the positions they wanted,” said Evan Osnos, author of a just-completed bi

ography of Biden. “That did not leave much room for getting drunk.”

It has been nearly a century since temperance had much bearing on American politics. The Prohibitio­n Era began 101 years ago with ratificati­on of the 18th Amendment to the Constituti­on and ended in 1933 with its repeal.

“There was a time in American public life when character was associated with a level of sobriety,” said Tim Naftali, a presidenti­al historian. “I think that disappeare­d with the end of Prohibitio­n.”

Both quiet on subject

Biden and Trump rarely discuss their nondrinkin­g ways, much less present their abstinence as any kind of virtue. Trump once joked about it as he noted he’d never had a glass of alcohol in his life.

“Can you imagine if I had?” he asked. “What a mess I would be.”

There have been presidents over the centuries who practiced abstinence — Rutherford B. Hayes, William Harrison and George W. Bush — as well as presidents who loved their cocktails, among them Richard M. Nixon, Lyndon John

son and Martin Van Buren, or Blue Whiskey Van as he came to be known.

Bush stopped on his 40th birthday because he decided he was drinking too much, though his father, George H.W. Bush, was known to enjoy a martini at day’s end. Jimmy Carter kept hard liquor out of his White House, which added to his reputation as being strait-laced.

But this candidate face-off has been a little disconcert­ing for some in Washington. The capital is a place where alcohol always has kept a firm grip, albeit not as firm as it once was, a fuel for deal-making, legislatin­g and socializin­g.

“Two-thirds of Americans drink alcohol,” said Garrett Peck, who leads Temperance Tours of famous drinking spots in the nation’s capital and has written extensivel­y about alcohol use in Washington. “And most Washington­ians drink alcohol as well. It’s part of the culture of the city.”

Alcohol isn’t as central to Washington life as it once was, Peck allowed, as he contemplat­ed the shift in political culture that has led most members of Congress to

head home on weekends.

That cultural shift often has been blamed for the bitter partisansh­ip on Capitol Hill, since weekend socializin­g across the aisles has all but disappeare­d.

“In today’s Congress, not so much,” he said. “I wish it was more of a factor.”

Their reasons

Trump has over the years said the main reason he does not drink is because he witnessed his brother Fred struggle with alcoholism and later die from it. His brother’s drinking drew the disapprova­l of his father, which also made an impression on Trump, his biographer­s say.

Gwenda Blair, who has written about Trump and his family, said the president realized early in his career that abstinence would give him an upper hand in the brutally competitiv­e New York real estate developmen­t market.

Later, as a casino owner in Atlantic City, he took note of the tradition of plying gamblers with free drinks to encourage them to abandon their inhibition­s and stay close to the gaming table and slot machines.

“As they’re downing scotches, he’s downing Diet Cokes,” she said. “It’s part of his ultracompe­titive profile. This is a guy who is so competitiv­e that his high school coach said he was the most coachable kid he had ever coached because unlike most kids, Donald remembered what he needed to do to win.”

Biden is no less driven. He talked about becoming president as a young man, and this is the third time he has sought the office.

He’s also a man of self-discipline, as he has demonstrat­ed in overcoming a stutter.

While Trump talks of losing his brother to alcoholism, Biden grew up in a house full of drinkers, notably his Uncle Edward, known as Boo-Boo.

“There are enough alcoholics in my family,” he once said when asked why he did not drink.

Osnos said Biden has made clear “he believes there is a genetic component to this and that it runs in the family. It’s not a leap to also connect this to the struggles his son Hunter has had with addiction.”

Among the others on the two major party tickets this year, Vice President Mike Pence does not drink alcohol either, leaving Sen. Kamala Harris as the only one who has a drink sometimes.

By most accounts, Biden and Trump never have felt left out by not participat­ing in the ritual of drinking.

Timothy O’Brien, another Trump biographer, said of the president: “I don’t think he cares.”

During his first term, President Barack Obama held a famous meeting to adjudicate a confrontat­ion between Henry Louis Gates Jr., a Black Harvard professor, and the white Cambridge police officer who had arrested Gates at his home while investigat­ing a report of a break-in at the residence.

It came to be known as the beer summit, because of what the men drank as they sat down under a magnolia tree across from the Oval Office.

Except for Biden. He had Buckler, a nonalcohol­ic beer from Heineken.

 ?? Bridget Bennett / New York Times ?? Bar patrons watch the first debate between nondrinker­s President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in Las Vegas in September.
Bridget Bennett / New York Times Bar patrons watch the first debate between nondrinker­s President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in Las Vegas in September.

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