San Antonio Express-News

Keep resolution­s for 2021 simple

- By Art Markman Art Markman is executive director of the IC2 Institute and the Annabel Irion Worsham Centennial Professor of Psychology, Human Dimensions of Organizati­ons and Marketing at the University of Texas at Austin.

New Year’s Day is a common time for people to look back and commit to a “new year, new you” by making a resolution to live some aspect of their life differentl­y. But a fresh start in 2021 might be more challengin­g than in the past.

Changing behavior often requires adjusting the environmen­t and the people we spend time with, but the pandemic, which is likely to be with us for at least the first half of 2021, will make it hard to change those aspects. In addition, inspiratio­n to do new things often requires coming into contact with new people and new ideas — something the pandemic makes more difficult right now.

There are things people can do despite this pandemic to make sure they accomplish their goals for the new year.

The first is more of us need to re-evaluate our time. The anxiety and uncertaint­y of the pandemic have led people to engage in comforting behaviors. Early in the pandemic, that meant eating. Now, many people have settled into routines that involve a lot of distractio­n, such as binge-watching TV, doomscroll­ing or playing video games.

Time is precious. We need to ask ourselves: How long are we spending on social media checking posts? How many television shows are we watching?

Chances are that a few hours a day could be reclaimed to do something that will expand our perspectiv­e. Extra time at home is also an opportunit­y to improve a skill, whether learning to play an instrument, engaging in artistic pursuits or picking up a hobby. The point is that all of us can do all that and still keep up with our favorite television show or read a novel.

We also need to make sure we foster our relationsh­ips with others. During the pandemic, many of our social relationsh­ips have become superficia­l. There aren’t many chances to visit with friends as in the past.

Calling a friend on the phone can also seem unappealin­g. For one thing, the volume of Zoom meetings can make people want to avoid talking when the workday is done. For another, it can be difficult to coordinate schedules with other people — particular­ly if they are dealing with family responsibi­lities.

One thought: Consider going old-school. Make a list of friends. Then write them each a letter. Fill them in on what you have been doing, what you’re thinking about, and what you remember about them. Not only will you brighten their day when they receive it, you may just find that your own mail deliveries contain something other than bills and junk mail.

But perhaps the most important thing to do is to disrupt the daily routine. The reason routines are so comforting is that people engage in them without thinking. The time of day and the environmen­t remind us of the next thing to do. Changing that routine requires explicit interventi­on.

Simple changes are the best.

For instance, buy a vegetable you haven’t eaten before and then look for a recipe that includes it. Swap music recommenda­tions with a friend. Try a new exercise. Pick at least one thing each week to do differentl­y. Over time, those little changes distinguis­h between the days and foster hope.

All of us are living through history. As endless as these days may seem right now, a few

things can help for the new year, and someday, you’ll be glad you captured how you felt during the pandemic of 2020.

 ?? Jerry Lara / Staff file photo ?? Got Zoom fatigue? Make a list of friends. Then, write them each a letter.
Jerry Lara / Staff file photo Got Zoom fatigue? Make a list of friends. Then, write them each a letter.
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