San Antonio Express-News

Myanmar forces target hospitals, personnel


YANGON, Myanmar — Myanmar careened deeper into crisis, as police occupied hospitals and universiti­es and reportedly arrested hundreds of people involved in protesting last month's military seizure of power, while a coalition of labor unions called a strike for Monday.

Tension was high Sunday in the country's biggest city, Yangon, where for a second night running gunshots from heavy weapons rang out randomly in the streets of several neighborho­ods after the start of an 8 p.m. curfew. The sounds of what apparently were stun grenades could also be heard on videos posted on social media.

Security forces have often targeted medical personnel and facilities, attacking ambulances and their crews. Members of the medical profession launched the Civil Disobedien­ce Movement, which is the nominal coordinato­r of the protests, frequently hailed on demonstrat­ors' signs by its CDM initials. Taking over hospitals would allow the authoritie­s to easily arrest wounded people presumed to be protesters.

Large protests have occurred daily across many cities and towns in Myanmar, and security forces have responded with ever greater use of lethal force and mass arrests. At least 18 protesters were shot and killed on Feb. 28 and 38 on Wednesday, according to the U.N. Human Rights Office. More than 1,500 have been arrested, the independen­t Assistance Associatio­n for Political Prisoners said.

Protests in various cities and towns were again met Sunday by police firing warning shots, and employing tear gas, rubber bullets and stun grenades.

In a single Yangon neighborho­od, Shwepyitha, at least 100 students were reported arrested, and many protesters were also said to have been detained in other cities, especially at universiti­es.

Myanmar labor unions, meanwhile, issued a joint call for a nationwide work stoppage beginning Monday, with the goal of a “full, extended shutdown of the Myanmar economy.”

“To continue the economic and business activities as usual, and to delay a general work-stoppage, will only benefit the military as they repress the energy of the Myanmar people,” said the appeal, issued Sunday night.

The statement called for the strike to continue “until we receive our democracy back.”

Earlier Sunday, police in Myanmar's ancient former capital, Bagan, opened fire on demonstrat­ors protesting the Feb. 1 coup, wounding several people, according to witness accounts and videos on social media.

At least five people were reported hurt as police sought to break up the Bagan protest, and photos showed one young man with bloody wounds on his chin and neck, believed to have been caused by a rubber bullet. Bullet casings collected at the scene indicated that live rounds were also fired.

Multiple reports from Yangon said there had been police raids Saturday night seeking to seize organizers and supporters of the protest movement. A ward chairman from Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy party, which was ousted from power in the coup, was found dead in a military hospital Sunday morning by fellow residents of his Pabedan neighborho­od, according to a post on Facebook by NLD lawmaker Sithu Maung.

Suspicion was rampant on social media that Khin Maung Latt, 58, died due to a beating in custody after being taken from his residence, but no official cause of death was immediatel­y announced.

In Yangon and elsewhere, raids are carried out nightly after the 8 p.m. curfew by police and soldiers. The arrests are often carried out at gunpoint, without warrants.

 ?? Associated Press ?? Protesters take positions behind barricades Sunday in Yangon, Myanmar. Violence has escalated as authoritie­s crack down on protests.
Associated Press Protesters take positions behind barricades Sunday in Yangon, Myanmar. Violence has escalated as authoritie­s crack down on protests.

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