San Antonio Express-News

Super Quiz


Take this Super Quiz to a Ph. D. Score. 1 point for each correct answer on the Freshman Level, 2 points on the Graduate Level and 3 points on the Ph. D. Level.

Subject: AMERICAN FOLKLORE (e.g., A tale claims that he said, “I cannot tell a lie.” Answer: George Washington.)


1. Washington Irving popularize­d this Italian explorer who “found” a “New World.” Answer________

2. The traditiona­l site of the landing of the Mayflower Pilgrims. Answer________

3. One account quoted him as saying, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” Answer________


4. This frontiersm­an became known as “King of the Wild Frontier.” Answer________

5. She is widely credited with making the first American flag. Answer________

6. This railroad worker was a “steel-driving man.” Answer________


7. This nickname was given to a woman said to have carried water to men on the battlefiel­d. Answer________

8. Name given to a folkloric ape-like creature of the Pacific Northwest region. Answer________

9. As a Titanic survivor, Margaret Brown was posthumous­ly given this nickname. Answer________

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