San Antonio Express-News

Items on your credit report lenders don’t like to see

- By Dana Dratch BANKRATE.COM

Ever wonder what it’s like to look at your credit or loan applicatio­n from the other side of the desk?

When lenders look at your credit report, “it’s really about common-sense decisions,” said Rod Griffin, senior director of consumer education for Experian, one of the three major credit bureaus.

“Creditors and lenders really find boring to be exciting and sexy,” he said. “Anything unusual is scary.”

When you apply for a loan or a credit card, lenders often check your credit score, your credit report or both. If they don’t like what they see, you’ll be rejected — or approved but with less-favorable terms.

And it isn’t just new applicants who are scrutinize­d. Credit card issuers, for example, periodical­ly review their customers’ files, too.

If you want the best deals and terms, here are seven items you — and your lenders — don’t want to see.

1. Late or missed payments

This one cuts to the heart of what lenders really want to know: “Are you going to pay your bills?” said Francis Creighton, president and CEO of the Credit Data Industry Associatio­n, the member organizati­on for credit bureaus.

What you might not realize: Anything other than timely, minimum payments are seen by creditors and lenders as missed payments.

“What matters is that you’re making the payment by the due date,” Griffin said. “If you only make a partial payment — as related to minimum payment due — that’s a bad sign. A partial payment is a late payment.”

When it comes to your credit score, making timely payments is the most important factor. It counts for 35 percent of your credit score.

2. Foreclosur­es, bankruptci­es

These are the two worst items you can have on your credit history — and both will give future lenders pause, Griffin said.

So just how would these events

make a lender feel about extending credit?

“Somewhere between quite frightened and terrified,” he said. “Especially if it’s recent.”

Seeing these items on your history “doesn’t mean they won’t make that loan,” Creighton said. “But they may price it differentl­y.”

Foreclosur­es stay on your credit report for seven years. Chapter 7 bankruptci­es — total liquidatio­n — remain on your credit report for 10 years. Chapter 13 bankruptci­es, in which consumers reorganize to repay some or all of their debts, stay in your credit history for seven years.

If you had a short sale, you won’t find those exact words on your credit report, Griffin said. Instead, it will say “settled” or “settled for less than originally agreed.”

Like foreclosur­es, short sales also stay in your credit history for seven years. And it’s seen by creditors as “better than foreclosur­e by a little bit,” he said.

That said, the farther in the past that a foreclosur­e, bankruptcy or short sale occurred — and the more the consumer has recovered financiall­y — the less effect it will have on their credit, Griffin said.

3. High balances, maxed-out cards

“A high balance, as compared to the credit limit on your cards, is the second most important factor on your credit score,” Griffin said.

Just how much of your credit you’re using makes up about 30

percent of your score.

And high balances or maxedout cards are “an indication of financial difficulty,” Griffin said. “Ideally, you would pay off your card in full every month and keep your utilizatio­n as low as possible. What we see is the people with the best score have a utilizatio­n ratio — the balance divided by the credit limit — of 10 percent or less.”

And that’s for individual cards and the consumer’s collective total of credit lines and card balances, he added.

One credit score rule of thumb used to be to keep the utilizatio­n ratio below 30 percent. “But 30 percent is the max, not a goal,” Griffin warned. “That’s the cliff. If you go beyond that, scores will drop precipitou­sly.” Conversely, the “further below 30 percent you are, the less likely you will default,” he added.

Tip: As your utilizatio­n ratio changes from month to month, so will your score.

Griffin remembers one holiday family vacation where he put everything — travel, meals, gifts — on plastic. His utilizatio­n ratio went up 7 percent, and his credit score dropped 40 points.

In January, he paid the bills in full, and his score returned to normal. “So don’t panic about that if your score is good,” he said.

4. Someone else’s debt

When you co-sign a credit card or a loan, the entire debt goes on your credit report. So, as far as lenders are concerned, you’re carrying that debt yourself, and it will be included in your debt load when you apply for a mortgage, credit card or any other form of credit, says John Ulzheimer, a former credit industry executive and president of The Ulzheimer Group.

If the person you co-signed for stops paying, misses payments or pays late, that likely will be reflected on your credit report.

So if a friend or family member who needs a co-signer tells you that it’s painless because you’ll never have to part with a dime, tell them that’s not true. Co-signing means agreeing to repay the obligation if the borrower defaults and allowing that debt, and any late or nonpayment­s, to count against you the next time you apply for a loan.

Co-signing for a friend or family member plays well at the Thanksgivi­ng table, Ulzheimer said, “but it doesn’t play well in the underwriti­ng office.”

5. History of minimum payments

Creditors make money when you carry a balance, but lenders don’t like to see only minimum payments on your credit report.

“It suggests you may be under financial stress,” said Nessa Feddis, senior vice president of the American Bankers Associatio­n. “You may be at higher risk of defaulting.”

Occasional­ly paying the minimum doesn’t signal a problem. For instance, paying minimums in January, after holiday spending, is understand­able. But consistent­ly paying minimums month after month indicates you might be having trouble paying off the balance. Lenders who see that on a credit report may be reluctant to grant additional credit.

6. Flurry of loan applicatio­ns

This one won’t so much scare lenders as cause them to take a second look at what’s going on in your financial life, Griffin said.

For someone who’s paying all their bills on time and not carrying balances, a burst of applicatio­ns could be innocuous. But for someone who’s making minimum payments or late payments, and transferri­ng balances, it’s a sign of financial stress and a turnoff to lenders.

“Inquiries suggest something to lenders,” Creighton said. “And that’s valuable informatio­n.”

Hard inquiries for new credit stay on your credit report for two years and affect your credit score for a year. In the FICO scoring model, new credit counts for 10 percent of the score.

“They are the least important factor in credit scores, and the last thing that creditors are going to look at,” Griffin said

Tip: Some types of credit applicatio­ns — for mortgages, car loans or student loans — are grouped together and counted as one inquiry by credit scoring formulas. That’s because when it comes to those large purchases, lenders know you’ll want to shop around — and that’s smart.

While newer scoring formulas group similar loan inquiries together if they’re made within 45 days, older versions have only a 14day window. And you have no way of knowing which version potential lenders are using. To be safe, keep all inquiries within 14 days.

7. Cash advances on a card

“Cash advances, in many cases, indicate desperatio­n,” Ulzheimer said. “Either you’ve lost your job or are underemplo­yed. Nobody takes out cash advances against a credit card because they want money sitting in a bank somewhere. You’re generally borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.”

Here’s how a cash advance will send up a red flag for lenders looking at your credit report: First, the cash advance is immediatel­y added to your debt balance, which lowers your available credit and your credit score for all potential lenders to see.

Second, larger card issuers regularly reevaluate their customers’ behavior. To do that, they pull credit reports, FICO scores and customer account histories and run those through their own credit scoring systems, Ulzheimer says. Many of the scoring models penalize for cash advances because they are considered risky, he says.

If the card issuer reduces your credit limit or cancels your account, that can damage your credit score — and make other lenders warier.

 ?? Dreamstime / Tribune News Service ?? When you apply for a loan or a credit card, lenders often check your credit score, your credit report or both.
Dreamstime / Tribune News Service When you apply for a loan or a credit card, lenders often check your credit score, your credit report or both.

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