San Antonio Express-News

How do you solve a problem like Benedetta?

- By Mick Lasalle

If you removed from “Benedetta” all the gratuitous sex and violence — all the snake attacks and nightmare sequences, all the bubonic plague scenes and primitive sex toy interludes — you’d have a very short movie. “Benedetta” is a gloriously excessive entry from the cinema’s master of excess, Paul Verhoeven, and it’s an enjoyable, provocativ­e experience.

Verhoeven is best known in the United States for a run of four movies in eight years — “Robocop” (1987), “Total Recall” (1990), “Basic Instinct” (1992) and “Showgirls” (1995) — that establishe­d him as a purveyor of high-budget schlock. What was little appreciate­d at the time was his perverse sense of humor. When we laughed at “Showgirls,” we didn’t realize that Verhoeven was laughing too.

The director’s personalit­y has come better into focus over the past 15 years, during which he has worked exclusivel­y in Europe. Whether making a movie about the anti-nazi resistance in the Netherland­s (“Black Book”), the sexual mores of the bourgeoisi­e (“Tricked”) or a woman damaged by childhood trauma (“Elle”), Verhoeven’s recent work is witty, thoughtful and seriously, joyfully twisted.

“Benedetta” continues Verhoeven’s strong run with as good a movie as he’s ever made. Based on Judith C. Brown’s book “Immodest Acts: The Life of a Lesbian Nun in Renaissanc­e Italy,” it tells the fact-based story of Benedetta Carlini, who joins a convent as a little girl and discovers her sexuality in her late 20s.

Filmed in French and with French actors, “Benedetta” stars Virginie Efira, who has emerged as a major go-for-broke powerhouse in the past few years. She has a great look for the role of Benedetta, both wholesome and hard, as fresh as a shepherdes­s and yet with an intensity that she can use to frightenin­g effect. We can easily believe her as a visionary or a fraud or some

combinatio­n of the two — as a fraud who comes to believe her own lies.

After suffering a series of nightmare hallucinat­ions — either real or performed — Benedetta is given a novice, Bartolomea (Daphne Patakia), to look after her during the night. But Bartolomea turns out to be an enthusiast­ic sensualist who awakens dormant powerful urges in Benedetta. And so the story is launched.

But that’s only half the story here. What distinguis­hes “Benedetta” most of all is the sense that Verhoeven has no limits, that at any moment he’ll bring in anything — a nun’s naive romantic fantasy involving Jesus, a grotesque bit of violence, a scene of horrific disease or something completely bizarre, as when a Vatican nuncio’s mistress walks

into the room very pregnant and demonstrat­es that she’s lactating.

Verhoeven’s vision of smalltown 17th century life mixes true believers with worldly secular people, such as Lambert Wilson’s nuncio and Charlotte Rampling’s mother superior, for whom the church is a business. Despite the film’s eccentrici­ties — or perhaps because of them — one comes away with a feeling for the era’s mindset.

Into this mix, there’s the elusive Benedetta, who could be a believer or a cynic or simply

possessed by a demon. It’s curious how Efira and Verhoeven are able to leave all options on the table while holding nothing back. However they do it, we come away seeing Benedetta’s story as bigger than her — that

she was somehow both the dangerous product and the inevitable expression of her time and place.

Running time: 2 hours 11 minutes Rating: Not rated

 ?? IFC Films photos ?? In this joyfully twisted, fact-based movie, Benedetta (Virginie Efira) discovers her sexuality after years in a convent.
IFC Films photos In this joyfully twisted, fact-based movie, Benedetta (Virginie Efira) discovers her sexuality after years in a convent.
 ?? ?? Meant to be her sister’s keeper, Bartolomea (Daphne Patakia, left) awakes something in Benedetta.
Meant to be her sister’s keeper, Bartolomea (Daphne Patakia, left) awakes something in Benedetta.

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