San Antonio Express-News

More doubts, no answers on border fiasco


Public skepticism rises when government organizati­ons initially stay silent on controvers­ial issues only to proclaim everything fine following a barrage of criticism.

Such is the case with Operation Lone Star, Gov. Greg Abbott’s deeply flawed border security mission that has mobilized 10,000 Texas National Guard members since May.

Multiple media outlets, including the Expressnew­s, have published disturbing stories about Operation Lone Star that illuminate an unclear mission, murky guidance, inadequate training, shoddy equipping, pay problems, bad living conditions, inadequate COVID protocols, low morale and at least four suicides possibly associated with the endeavor.

Along the way, the Texas Military Department has largely stayed silent. The department’s responses to media queries typically come from unnamed spokespeop­le speaking on background. And TMD hasn’t supported journalist­s’ efforts to get firsthand accounts from deployed troops.

That’s why Friday’s bizarre TMD press release, “Setting the record straight on Operation Lone Star,” from the department’s lead public affairs officer, Col. Rita Holton, is so unconvinci­ng. The release raises more questions that demand real answers.

The statement came Friday evening, the traditiona­l time bureaucrac­ies release bad news, and it disputed media reports about the mission’s long list of problems. But the tone was wrong, and the statement was more about criticizin­g the media than setting the record straight.

The release claimed the department “has been the subject of scurrilous accusation­s by seemingly reputable media sources” and complained that outlets “have gleaned informatio­n from anonymous sources and unverified documents.”

But before TMD public affairs places blame, it should look in the mirror — or better yet, look to its leadership, who have apparently put a gag order on Operation Lone Star.

The TMD noted it didn’t have much time for “planning or preparatio­n” because it was responding to a disaster that needed immediate action. Really? This neglects the reality that military forces pride themselves on their planning and rapid response capabiliti­es.

It continued that the TMD has fixed 75 percent of the pay problems. The bad news? There are at least some soldiers who have temporaril­y stepped away from their lives and livelihood­s who aren’t being paid correctly. That’s unacceptab­le.

The release said it has approved 75 percent of the 900 hardship requests by Guard members to not deploy for family or other reasons. Without more context on the requests, it’s tough to say whether that number is high or low.

The TMD also bashed the reporting on four suicides that may be related to some aspect of the operation. “It would be irresponsi­ble journalism at this point in time to tie these tragedies to Operation Lone Star,” the release said.

It’s also irresponsi­ble to not acknowledg­e the possibilit­y of a connection or to delve into why suicides and ideation are so common in the ranks. With luck, ongoing investigat­ions will fill in the blanks.

The release continued: “Commanders in the field have identified areas of improvemen­t in regards to equipment and living conditions and are actively working with vendors and supply chains to execute those solutions.”

To which we say, prove it.

The TMD has missed many opportunit­ies for transparen­cy on Operation Lone Star. Count this press release as another misstep.

Texas leadership and the TMD have a responsibi­lity to all Texans to prove the validity and quality of Operation Lone Star. Where’s the press conference with Maj. Gen Tracy Norris, the adjutant general, or other TMD leaders? Or how about unvarnishe­d opportunit­ies for media to report on the operation?

The TMD’S “setting the record straight” release is another sign that Abbott needs to end his ill-conceived border odyssey. This program is a disgrace.

 ?? Jerry Lara / Staff photograph­er ?? A soldier with the Texas National Guard keeps an eye on the Rio Grande. What is the state accomplish­ing?
Jerry Lara / Staff photograph­er A soldier with the Texas National Guard keeps an eye on the Rio Grande. What is the state accomplish­ing?

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