San Antonio Express-News

Murphy signs 7 bills aimed at tightening N.J. gun laws

- By Mike Catalini

METUCHEN, N.J. — New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy on Tuesday signed seven new bills into law aimed at curtailing gun violence, including legislatio­n to allow the state attorney general to pursue lawsuits against the firearm industry.

Murphy, a second-term Democrat who’s already signed a number of measures focused on gun violence, invoked the fatal Independen­ce Day shooting in Illinois, as well as recent fatal shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde.

“In the wake of horrific mass shootings in Highland Park, Ill.inois, Uvalde Texas, and Buffalo, New York, it is necessary that we take action in order to protect our communitie­s,” Murphy said.

Previewing what could be more legislatio­n to come, he said there’s more work to be done, particular­ly on how New Jersey will address the Supreme Court striking down its “justifiabl­e need” requiremen­t to carry a handgun. Murphy said after signing the new laws that in response to the court’s expansion of gun rights, he wants to see the Democratle­d Legislatur­e address where handguns can and cannot be carried, as well as expanding the list of people prohibited from carrying.

“This is a huge step forward for commonsens­e gun safety and for safer communitie­s. But it cannot be our only or last step,” he said.

New Jersey has among the strictest gun laws in the nation, a major factor explaining few cases of firearm-related violence compared with other states, acting attorney general

Matt Platkin said.

The bills Murphy signed:

• Authorize the state’s attorney general to bring “public nuisance” claims against gun manufactur­ers and others who market firearms.

• Require a safety course in order to get a firearm purchaser’s identifica­tion card in New Jersey. Training to get a carry permit had already been required.

• Hold those moving from out of state to New Jersey to the permitting requiremen­ts residents must follow. That means applying for a purchasers permit within 60 days and registerin­g weapons with law enforcemen­t.

• Require gun sellers to retail so-called microstamp­ing firearms — weapons that imprint each round of ammunition with identifyin­g informatio­n once such technology is certified to be available by the state attorney general.

• Require a state registry to track ammunition sales.

• Increase the penalties for people who purchase firearms parts to manufactur­e weapons without serial numbers from a thirddegre­e crime to a seconddegr­ee crime, taking the possible punishment­s from 3 to 5 years in prison to 5 to 10.

• Ban .50-caliber guns. Murphy signed the bills alongside public officials in a packed municipal building that was also filled with anti-gun violence activists wearing red “Moms Demand Action” T-shirts.

Second Amendment advocates opposed the legislatio­n, testifying against it in the Legislatur­e, which voted on of the measures the same day the Supreme Court delivered its opinion in the New York case.

“Gov. Murphy’s bill package chooses to target law-abiding gun owners while ignoring criminals and those with dangerous behavioral issues who are responsibl­e for most violence in New Jersey,” said Scott Bach, the executive director of the Associatio­n of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs.

Murphy seemed to acknowledg­e criticism Tuesday that the measures might not prevent gun crime, but said that if they reduce gun-related violence, then they’ll be worth it.

“If by signing these laws today we can improve our batting average, in other words you measure your batting average by fewer gun crimes, fewer fatalities, fewer injuries, more positive street team work, better prosecutio­n — whatever it might be — better holding the manufactur­ers more accountabl­e. All of that may not move the needle to batting a thousand but it improves our batting average and that’s what we are all in this to do,” he said.

The measures — some of which had been pending for years — sped through the Legislatur­e after the Supreme Court’s ruling last month.

They come more than a year after Murphy had unveiled the latest round of measures aimed at cracking down on gun violence, but legislatio­n he previously sought was not among the new laws the governor signed Tuesday.

A measure requiring guns be kept in safes or lockboxes and legislatio­n upping the age to 21 from 18 to purchase long guns in New Jersey are still pending in the Legislatur­e.

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