San Antonio Express-News

D-day map lands in Library of Congress

- By Michael E. Ruane

Joe Vaghi’s top secret map of Omaha Beach survived the stormy trip across the English Channel that day.

It was stuffed in a pocket of his overalls as he hurried across the Normandy tidal flats under enemy machine-gun fire.

The map made it through the explosion of an enemy artillery shell that killed a comrade and set Vaghi’s clothes on fire.

And it lasted with his penciled notations intact as he directed men coming ashore in France on Dday, June 6, 1944, yelling into his megaphone: “Move Forward!”

Joseph P. Vaghi Jr., a Bethesda, Md., architect who died in 2012 at the age of 92, cherished the map in the years after the war. Its meticulous detail had saved his life, he told his family.

On June 27, Vaghi’s family formally donated the map to the Library of Congress, where it was hailed as a rare artifact from one of World War II’S most historic events.

“It’s a miracle of mapmaking,” said Robert Morris, the library’s cartograph­ic acquisitio­ns specialist.

It contains a rendering of the Normandy coast, showing topography, sand dunes, hedges, houses, cemeteries, mud flats, villages, orchards, water depths, tidal charts and the “Easy Red” sector of Omaha Beach where Vaghi landed.

It also includes a sketch at the bottom of what the terrain looked like from an approachin­g landing ship.

More than 2,500 Americans were killed that day, along with 1,913 British, Canadian and other allied soldiers and sailors, according to the National Dday Memorial in Bedford, Va.

It seemed a miracle that Vaghi survived, a Navy buddy later told his son.

“It was almost like something protected him,” Joseph P. Vaghi III said his father’s friend related. “He was a tall man. ... He had a megaphone. He was up and down the beach . ... How he didn’t get killed no one knows to this day.”

Beachmaste­r at 23

Vaghi, a lieutenant commander, was a Navy “Beachmaste­r.” Equipped with his map and other equipment, his job was to direct the traffic of thousands of men and tons of material pouring onto the beach amid the enemy’s artillery and machinegun fire. He was 23.

The military map he carried, based on intelligen­ce and low-level reconnaiss­ance flights, was labeled “TOP SECRET” in green letters.

The D-day landing area on the northwest coast of France, where the allies assaulted occupying German forces in 1944, was divided into five beach sectors code named Omaha, Utah, Gold, Juno and Sword.

The Americans attacked Utah and heavily defended Omaha.

The beaches were divided into smaller sectors such as Easy Red, Easy Green and Fox Green. The maps were designed to guide soldiers and sailors to the proper landing zones and give them an idea of the lay of the land once they arrived.

Easy Red was defended by three German bunkers, two of which were made of stone and concrete, according to historian Peter Caddick-adams.

“The Germans were in their pillboxes and bunkers high above the beach on the bluff and had an unobstruct­ed view of what we were doing,” Vaghi recalled in a later account for the U.S. 6th Naval Beach Battalion website. “The atmosphere was depressing.”

‘Part of something’

The map still has the pencil notations he made.

“LCI will beach here,” he scribbled on one spot, referring to the Landing Craft Infantry vessel that was to land him and others, not far from where the Normandy American Cemetery is today.

Morris said, “All these pencil annotation­s are contempora­ry, and he would have made them either prior, probably just prior, in preparatio­n for the landing.”

The map is in color, printed on two sides, and is creased and tattered with age.

“He was a survivor,” Morris said as he recently examined the map in a library vault. “And this is a survivor.”

“We have a lot of maps relating to wars, obviously,” he said. “War is a great mapmaking business. But to my knowledge we have none that actually we can document went on to D-day. That’s what makes this a particular­ly special piece.”

“Thankfully, he was a chronicler,” Morris said. “This guy knew he was a part of something.”

Vaghi III said his father barely spoke about the war until the 50th anniversar­y of D-day in 1994. “For 50 years he never told ... any of us” what he had done, he said. “We had no idea.”

“Growing up we never talked about the war, never,” he said.

“When he came back, he wanted to move on with his life,” the younger Vaghi said. But if he heard fireworks or a loud bang “he would jump a mile.”

“The map was the one thing that he said: ‘The most important thing in my life besides my wife and my kids has been this map. It got me on that beach, and got our group on that beach safely that day,’ ” the younger Vaghi said.

After his father died, his son stored the map in a bank safe-deposit box. He had been wondering what to do with the map for years. A family acquaintan­ce, Tom Liljenquis­t, an important Library of Congress donor, suggested the library as a home.

The family is also donating a special log book his father kept with detailed informatio­n about his men, and a large batch of postwar letters, papers and reminiscen­ces.

A few years before he died, the elder Vaghi got out the old map and wrote a notation on it:

“D-day. Landed 0730 June 6, 1944. Used this chart during stay on the beach.”

Then he signed it: “Joseph P. Vaghi Beachmaste­r Easy Red Beach.”

 ?? Maansi Srivastava/washington Post ?? Robert Morris, the Library of Congress’ cartograph­ic acquisitio­ns specialist, calls Joseph P. Vaghi Jr.’s donation “a miracle of mapmaking.”
Maansi Srivastava/washington Post Robert Morris, the Library of Congress’ cartograph­ic acquisitio­ns specialist, calls Joseph P. Vaghi Jr.’s donation “a miracle of mapmaking.”

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