San Antonio Express-News

Coach’s prayers fouled no players

- George Will

In 1892, a Massachuse­tts policeman challenged in court a law forbidding police officers to be political activists. The justice, who had the battle of Antietam in his past and 29 years on the U.S. Supreme Court in his future, was unsympathe­tic. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. said the policeman had a constituti­onal right to be politicall­y active but not to be a policeman.

Since then, protection­s of the rights of public employees have been expanded. They were again last month in the case of the Bremerton, Wash., public high school assistant football coach. Joseph Kennedy thinks the First Amendment guarantee of free speech and the “free exercise” of religion protected his practice of taking a knee for postgame prayer on the 50-yard line. And he thinks if his school had continued to tolerate this, as it did for his first seven years as a coach, the toleration would not have constitute­d endorsemen­t of religion in violation of the First Amendment proscripti­on of the “establishm­ent” of religion.

The Supreme Court agreed with him, 6-3. Cue the alarms from those secularist­s who bring religious zeal to their crusade against the incipient theocracy they detect in every religious observance allowed in the public square.

One can, however, understand the Bremerton school district’s skittishne­ss about the coach’s kneeling and praying quietly, especially because, over time, he was joined by players and spectators, unbidden, after games. (He had stopped leading group prayers in the locker room.) Attention from media and politician­s intensifie­d worries that prayers by the coach — a government employee at a public school event — would be deemed government speech endorsing religion. And that players and other students might feel coerced to conform to the coach’s practices.

Neverthele­ss, Justice Neil Gorsuch, joined by Justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, wrote that the risk-averse school district, which terminated the coach’s employment, tried to avoid one constituti­onal violation but committed another. Seeking to avoid seeming government endorsemen­t of religious speech, it violated the coach’s rights of free speech and free exercise of religion. Gorsuch argued no reasonable observer would have concluded the actions for which the school district discipline­d the coach — brief, quiet and solitary prayers after three games — were the government speaking.

Gorsuch noted the free speech and free exercise clauses “work in tandem,” protecting both expressive and noncommuni­cative religious activities: “That the First Amendment doubly protects religious speech is no accident. It is a natural outgrowth of the framers’ distrust of government attempts to regulate religion and suppress dissent.”

Dissenting, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, noted, accurately, that “students face immense social pressure.” Sotomayor, however, simply asserted this: The fact that a majority of his players eventually joined what had been his solitary prayers showed “coercive pressure at work.” Oh? The school district said it had “no evidence that students have been directly coerced to pray” with the coach.

Besides, part of growing up is learning to surmount pressures toward conformity. This part is missed by young people who are intimidate­d by social media, feel “unsafe” around heterodox beliefs and are shielded from situations in which they must develop a capacity for independen­t judgments.

How far would the three dissenting justices go to protect students from feeling pressured by the observable religious behaviors of authority figures? What if a teacher bows her head in prayer before beginning lunch in the school cafeteria?

Our cranky nation, with its surplus of truculence, could benefit from a smidgen of Thomas Jefferson’s live-and-letlive spirit. He was at most a Unitarian (understood as the belief that there is at most one God). As president, however, two days after he wrote the letter endorsing a “wall of separation” between church and state, he attended, as he occasional­ly did, religious services in the House of Representa­tives. (Services were held every Sunday in some government buildings.) He was respecting beliefs he rejected.

In “Notes on the State of Virginia” (1785), Jefferson had written, “It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” The court’s decision for the coach should cause timorous adults, and the fragile young people they shape, to stop fueling cancel culture and the demands for “safe spaces.” Mere exposure to another’s belief does them no injury.

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