San Antonio Express-News

Transform public education using science

- By Mary Beth Schmitt FOR THE EXPRESS-NEWS Mary Beth Schmitt is an assistant professor in the Moody College of Communicat­ion at the University of Texas at Austin and a researcher in child language.

This month, more than 47 million children will enter public education buildings across the country for the start of a new year. Although many aspects of this school year will be new for our children — new teachers, new classmates, new curricula — the fundamenta­l structure of public education in the United States remains the same as it has been for about 180 years.

I have worked with children, families and educators for 24 years in the public education system as a speech-language pathologis­t and academic researcher. The biggest problem I see with our current age-based system is that it stands in contrast to what we know to be true about children and their developmen­t.

Children are not monoliths simply because they were born in the same year. Developmen­t happens along a continuum, with children mastering different skills at different times. They represent a multitude of strengths and weaknesses, yet our current educationa­l structure operates on the assumption of homogeneit­y. As a result, children who do not conform are at increased odds of being diagnosed with learning difficulti­es or made to feel “less than” those whose developmen­t follows the standard quo.

This outdated model has been around since the 1840s, when Horace Mann, a Massachuse­tts politician, sought a more efficient process of educating American children. He adopted a model from Prussia that used military commands for education: students grouped by age under the guidance of one primary leader.

To be sure, our current model of public education has worked for many. I am one. For those who live in neighborho­ods with well-funded schools able to recruit and retain highly qualified teachers, public school provides a sufficient foundation.

However, public education does not work uniformly for all. Half of U.S. adults read below a seventh-grade level. In Texas, more than 600,000 students are diagnosed with disabiliti­es requiring an individual­ized education plan, and 1 in 5 drop out. Rather than being responsive to the diverse needs of a heterogene­ous group of students, politician­s and businesses continue to remove aspects of public education known to be beneficial to children, such as play, recess and social-emotional developmen­t.

In our current system, when a problem like poor reading proficienc­y is identified, the federal government creates a new policy to address the problem. State and local school districts are charged with implementi­ng the new policy. Once the policy has been implemente­d, researcher­s are invited to measure whether the policy was effective in mitigating the problem. Notice that in this process, input from educators is rarely, if ever, invited. As a result, our current educationa­l reform model is a constant chasingyou­r-tail conundrum, resulting in incredible amounts of time and money spent often with little return on the investment.

What if we flip this problemsol­ving model on its head and begin with science? The collective knowledge of child developmen­t and educationa­l experts across the country could radically transform public education. If we are serious about making education functional in the U.S., we need to create time, space and resources to plan a system responsive to and centered on the needs of children. We must give power and decision-making back to educators and child-developmen­t researcher­s, and remove it from the politician­s and businesses motivated by political power and monetary gain.

Our children are not monoliths, and their diversity is a great asset. They deserve an educationa­l system that supports all learners, based on knowledge of how children learn best. We have the resources to make this model of education a reality. Let’s lay the 1840 model to rest.

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